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I'd just arrived at the arena, but I needed to satisfy my craving before I went in, so I very quickly lit the last cigarette from the 10 pack I had bought last night. While I stood there, I let my mind wonder as to what Stephanie may say to me today. I decided it could go one of two ways...she was either going to apologize for putting Summer and I in a match together last night, knowing damn well that we can't fucking stand each other! Or, she was going to ask me to keep a cool head and remain in character, cause the show must go on! I already knew it would be the latter. Either way, I still wanted answers as to why such an amateurish thing happened last night.


I had just reached her office, and took a breath before saying ''Stephanie?'' as I lightly knocked on the door.

''Yes, come on in Faith'' she said, and immediately I noticed she was slightly nervous.

''So thank you Randy, just make sure you sign those papers, and get your injuries seen to at medical ok?''

Randy Orton nodded, then smiled politely at me as he left Stephanie's office.

''Sorry about that Faith, um take a seat please'' she said, pointing to the chair opposite hers. Then to my surprise, she came from around her side of the table, and sat on the chair next to mine. We both turned to face each other, and I waited patiently for her to speak. She furrowed her eyebrows and said ''Faith, I am deeply DEEPLY sorry for what happened to Paige. Injuries happen all the time in our profession, but when it's one of your best, and such a sweet and wonderful girl like Paige, I have to look past the boss and employee relationship. Paige is a top Superstar, and an amazing wrestler! And I know she is a great friend too. We're all family here at the WWE, so when one of our own gets hurt, we all feel the pain'' she said softly, resting her hand on my arm. ''So please tell her that all our thoughts and prayers are with her, and her family and friends too, especially you, Roman, Dean and Seth, and that we all here wish her a speedy recovery ''

I couldn't control the tears that were rolling down my face right now, and I smiled as Stephanie quickly handed me a tissue, but I kindly refused, as it was more important for me to try and keep myself strong.

''Now back to business'' she said, getting up and going back round to the opposite side of the table, while quickly dabbing at own face as when her back was turned.

''First of all, how are you doing Faith?'' she asked concerned ''I saw that you took a pretty hard hit too on the back last night. I want to remind you Faith that the WWE provides immediate free medical care on all injuries sustained at work'' she said softly.

''I'm ok, Roman put warm towels on my back all night, so it's easing up slowly'' I said quietly.

''Well, I will make sure and get you a prescription at least for painkillers that the WWE approves for such an injury, ok''

I nodded.

''Now, I had a serious talk with Summer Rae last night after the show, and I have made it crystal clear to her that her performance was simply appalling! In the ring and on the mic! Now I know this is the last thing you probably want to hear right now, but on behalf of Summer Rae she truly is truly sorry for what happened. She has been fined for her actions, and will be going through an extensive training program over the next month or so, as we don't want anything like this happening to another Superstar ever again! The triple threat match next week between yourself, Summer and Eva will still go ahead. Summer is strictly prohibited from using that move until after her training over, and until all this has settled down in the medi-''

''What if this wasn't an accident Ms. McMahon?'' I said suddenly ''What if Summer did this maliciously?''

''Why would she do that?'' Stephanie asked with a slight frown.

''I don't know...jealousy over Paige maybe? Perhaps try get back at me somehow for god only knows what! To be the center of attention, maybe put herself on a fast train to Wrestlemania...'' I said, reeling them all off on my fingers as I spoke.

''That's a pretty serious accusation Faith, and unless you have proof, we are going to drop this right now...Do you?''

I shook my head no.

''Well that takes me to my next subje...-''

''But you don't deny it's a possibility?'' I interrupted again ''I mean you heard her little spiteful shoot promo, on breaking the camel's back! I don't believe for a second that this wasn't all pre-meditated Stephanie'' I knew my voice was raised as I spoke to her, but it was only because I was hurting right now, and I was upset that Summer was quite literally getting away with this!

''She's a heel character Faith, I guess she thought it a good moment to get a promo in, I can't fire her on those grounds alone. Look, if anything should ever arise that Summer hurt Paige on investigation will be done, then it will become a matter for the authorities to deal with. Her contract here at WWE would be terminated effective immediately, and we would no longer affiliate ourselves with her on any platform'' she said, and took a deep breath as she looked across at me ''Now Faith, I know this is hurting you, and I know just how much Paige means to you, but unless you have solid have to let this go. I can't have even rumors or gossip of this nature circling amongst the WWE, because if it gets leaked, it will be very damaging to the company, and hard to cover up. The incident has been determined as a genuine accident, and that's how it will remain unless proven otherwise. Now with the Divas triple threat next week, I need to make sure that there are no lingering feelings of upset or revenge between you ladies when you step into that ring. We have experienced this kind of scenario before, and we just can't afford have a backstage feud spilling out onto the main show. It JUST...CAN'T...HAPPEN. Do I make myself clear Faith?''

In had to fight every urge in my body to stop from screaming 'Well, maybe you shouldn't have revived a feud that had nothing to do with you!!!'

But I just nodded.

''The second that you all step into the ring against each other, you are remain professional, and you are all to STRICTLY STICK TO THE SCRIPT!'' she warned ''I don't want to hear any disruptions backstage either, or in the locker room. You're a really nice girl Faith, and an excellent wrestler'' she told me ''the success you've earned yourself here in the WWE, and in such a short space of time is just outstanding! That's the reason why I'm talking to you the way I am now, I see a great future for you here at the WWE, providing you do not breach your contract in any way. Am I making myself clear?''

I nodded again.

''Ok, well thank you for coming by today Faith, and we will see you next week in Nevada'' she said, standing up and opening the door for me.

''Thank you Stephanie'' I smiled politely, and held my head high as I walked out her office.

I was so filled with rage right now that I immediately ran to the ladies and was sick in one of the stalls. After 5 minutes, I flushed the toilet, and came out. I slowly went and stood at the sink, just staring at myself in the mirror. As I did, the last stall at the end flushed too, and the door opened slowly....

In a matter of seconds, everything Stephanie had just said to me disappeared into the thin air, as I turned and saw Summer Rae.

My feet were walking before my mind had even got a grip on things. She had nowhere to run...and I had all the time in the world. My hand had already balled into a fist by the time I neared her, and she had quickly covered her face with both of hers as tried to turn from me...

''UH UH! I don't think so Summer! LOOK AT ME!'' I screamed! But she still had her hands covering her face trying to hide ''I SAID FUCKING LOOK AT ME DAMMIT! IM GOING TO AWARD YOU THE RESPECT AND DO THIS FACE TO FACE, UNLIKE WHAT YOU DID TO PAIGE!!!! NOW LOOK AT ME BITCH!!!'' I screamed, punching my fist into the wall next to her head.

She gave up, and slowly let her hands fall from her face....

I gasped! Followed by immediately dropping my fist from her, as I there was absolutely no denying someone had already beaten me to it.

Summers face was a bruised and bloodied mess! She even had blood in her hair, and she was shaking like a leaf!

I was too shocked to speak.

I immediately turned and ran out the arena!

HOUNDS OF JUSTICE: A WWE story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now