𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 - 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙮, 𝙢𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙚

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— 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮.

— 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮

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❛ disney, maybe ❜

DOROTHY AND RICKY LAY ON THEIR BACKS WATCHING THE NIGHT SKY. She sighs pointing at the cloudy skies, "this is what we get for living in a suburban town with so much air pollution."

"I really wanted to star gaze, my bad." he laughs. "See there's..." he points to the sky, "is a big ass cloud."

"Wow how impressive, Ricky," she smiles, "you are so... ho—" the girl slowly lean in, but backs out. "happy." Ricky just responds with a laugh, "what?"

"You were about to kiss me... and call me hot." he bites his lip.

"What? No."

Ricky plasters on a goofy smile, "Dorothy Loski, you are so hot," he smiles. Red racing all over her body from the head to her toes. Adrenaline. Love. Lust.

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DOROTHY PACES HER ROOM FLOOR WITH HER PHONE UP TO HER EAR, "please leave a message at the beep... beep!!" Dawns voice mail time plays.

Dorothy exhales, "hey Dawn, this isn't me forgiving you or anything, but I'll be there, we could sit together and everything, tomorrow. We could start fresh." Dorothy breathes with some sort of nerves. "So yeah... I'll see you there."

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DOROTHY SITS IN THE PASSENGERS SEAT OF HER MOMS CAR. She pulls up into the front entrance of the school as Dorothy's knee is bouncing perusual with nerves shooting through her body. "Okay, I'll be pick you up at 10?"

"Oh! umm... Ricky was going to drop me off, I think they go like to eat afterwards." She smiles getting out of the car, "thanks mom see you later!" she walks over to the front doors as a small crowd of people stand in the lobby. She spots a red head waiting there also nervously. "Hey Dawn, thanks for the ticket."

"Your welcome, by the way abou—"

"We don't have to about it. But I do support you and everything." Dorothys smile was wide.

Dawn feels comfortable once again, "I did stop hanging out with those assholes, they're homophobic and just annoying as hell." She laughs.

Dorothy laughs along with her, "thank god you realized that."

"I mean they just go on and on and on about how they looks constantly..." she glances at the floor, "and I'm sorry if I acted like that too. I kinda lost touch with who my friend is."

"Forgiven. Also we have a lot to catch up on." Dorothy's adorable laugh rings out, "I almost had sex the other night," she whispers.

"No way Dorothy Loski," Dawn says surprised. And in that moment she wasn't a girl that had a crush on another girl. She was friend first. And like she said she just wanted her to be happy.

"I know! I mean we only got to like second base, but it was... interesting." The two girls giggle.

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THE TWO MAKE THEIR WAY INTO THE GYM STILL CHATTING AWAY, usually these big crowds would've freaked Dorothy out months ago, but she felt oddly okay with it. The national anthem plays Dorothy lets out laughter through the confusion looking back to Big Red and throwing him a thumbs up.

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DOROTHY AND DAWN WALK OUT OF THE GYM AFTER THE SHOW. Confused faces as they laugh, "that was... interesting." Dawn says. "I'm glad you came." Dawn smiles.

"Oh! Look what I got for Ricky," she holds up a bouquet of flowers. "It's what people give the actors after shows!" She smiles widely.

Dawn takes a deep breath and smiles, "go get him tiger. I better head out, my mom might get pissed if I get home any later."

"Oh, Red. Do you know where Ricky is?" She says as she sees Bug Red walk by.

"Umm, probably in the boys dressing room, I don't think anyone's in there, so feel free to go,"

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HER HANDS ARE DAMP WITH NERVES AND HER TERTH NERVOUSLY BITE HER LIPS. Her feet. Left. Right. Left. Right making her way to the room labeled. Boys dressing room. "I love you." Is Ricky's voice. "I always loved you." Dorothy wasn't in the room. She slowly sits next to the door and huddles like she did before. Before when she didn't have any friends. Like that time at homecoming.

She listens closely. Because the words weren't for her. They were for someone else. She could feel pain ripping through her chest. The thing about her anxiety through the years was she always learned to keep her tears in. She became an expert at it. But truth is, she hasn't felt that way. This way. In a while. And suddenly of felt like she was dragged back into tenth grade again.

"I love you too, Ricky." She knew who it was. Everyone would know. Because she was the pretty girl. She was talented. She was confident. She was exciting. She was funny. She was one of those girls.

But then this was different. She cried. Something she was an expert at not doing in there halls. But she did. She gets up shaking. Her delicate hands leave the flowers on the ground beside the doorway. On top her letter.

Dear Ricky ♡,

I already know your going to do amazing! Because you are amazing. Can't wait to see you. Break a leg! I think that's what they say. Love you :)

love, D.

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A KNOCK FELL ONTO THE JACOBS FRONT DOOR, Dawns mom is in the kitchen when she sighs. She gets up and opens the door. A worry some face. "Oh, dear. Dorothy are you okay?"

The girl sniffles, "yeah, I just... I need to talk to Dawn."

The woman gives an empathetic nod. "I'll get her." She whispers walking into the house.

Dawn comes quickly and runs over once she saw the girl with puffy eyes and a red face. She doesn't say anything. Dawn just wraps her up in her arms. Tightly. "You don't have to tell me anything." She steps back and places her hands on Dorothy's shoulders. "How about we go to the basement. Get so severely unhealthy snacks. Watch a ton of sappy romcom movies. Your choice." She creeps a smile trying to life the others.

Dorothy perks a bright smile. "I can't watch any romcoms. Disney maybe."

"I have a whole ass collection." she says and they laugh and walk to the kitchen.

short but not really sweet act

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short but not really sweet act

end of act two

CHEMISTRY, r. bowenWhere stories live. Discover now