001. let's call it mech x4

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Natalie immediately hid her face in embarrassment. "Spyder and I are just friends. We're not getting together."

Her grandmother and mother always poked fun at the boy's crush on the younger girl. It was a known fact since she was a little girl that Spyder Johnson had a huge crush on her.

"Why not?! Spyder is a nice boy......He's weird but a very nice boy." Maria defended.

"You say that now, Natalie. I used to say the same thing about your father but then I fell in love with him." Sophia sighed, reminiscing about the mysterious lover of her past.

Once the topic of love was finished, Sophia had poured the hot porridge she made into a bowl that was already filled with other cut up fruit. Natalie sat down and quickly ate the entire bowl as she didn't want to be late for her first day.

"Alright, I'm off for school." Natalie announced happily, when her mom had taken her bowl away.

"Have a good day, Nat." Sophia said, wrapping her daughter in a tight but loved filled hug.

The girl then received another hug from her grandmother, who continued to pinch her cheeks and tease her about Spyder's crush on her. The girl gave both women her best smiles before running out of the house to begin her journey.

Not even a minute into her walk to school, Natalie had ran into her best friend in the entire world, Hana Miyatozaki. The troublemaking teen girl was the complete opposite from the sweet and pink loving. Hana was known for her fierce looks, her tuff girl outfits, sarcastic comments and her rebellious tendencies.

The troublemaker was dressed in a white denim jacket and shorts. A pair of earrings, socks, a crop that were all orange and a pair of metallic lavender docs completed the look. She may look friendly with her colourful out but she is not afraid to rip you apart if she needs to.

Hana pulled Natalie into a bone crushing hug and that caused the girl to wince in pain from the tightness. "You're hurting me." She breathed out.

"Sorry." Hana apologized, letting go.

Natalie gave her a smile of gratitude before they left for school. They had made it on time to their new high school and ran into their three other best friends.

"Harris, Spyder, Nat, Hana, you guys are my best friends. What do you think?" Ryan questioned.

Ryan Walker was the wise leader of the group. He was the one that was able to settle arguments and make the most sensible decisions when it came to situations. He was able to find common ground in between everyone's clashing personalities. He was known for his calm and helpful dementor but had a bit of a temper that was only set off when he was challenged by the other boys.

"I don't know, Ryan. Those all could of been coincidences. I'm gonna need more proof." Harris pointed out.

Harris Harris was the proclaimed genius of the group. The boy was known for his intelligence and academic achievements but he sometimes lacked empathy. His own mind got in the way of his outlook on life. He was more of a rational person but this made his emotional side suffer.

He sometimes put the most logical outlook first. He would be the one to tell you the truth straight to your face, without any regard to your feelings but luckily, his friends helped to keep him from being too blunt in certain emotional situations.

✓ 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ! spyder johnson Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat