are you ready to be a "dad"?

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Boy do u wanna hold ur baby boy Kennedy? Kennedy? Kennedy? Babe? Babygirl? "Someone go and get the nurse or doctor ASAP" someone yelled but I couldn't make it out who ever it was sounded really familiar and sounded like a angel and started singing and it was adorable and I loved it. When I opened my eyes I found that Blake had pulled a chair up next to my bed and had a tear stained face and had his hand in mine and he was sleeping and I should've been pissed but I wasn't I was happy that he came I didnt even tell him when he was due I wasn't even going to use hossler as the last name it was going to be Lopez or Austin maybe even Grey idk because me and Blake had gotten really close and he was telling me that he would definitely take the place of Jaden as much as he loved him

jaden hossler stepsister 👅Where stories live. Discover now