two weeks later

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Not even one week and almost 200 reads wow

Kennedy was sitting in the bathroom waiting for jaden to get in there because she had taken a pregnancy test but was scared to look at it.
Jaden got in there and it was positive.
Jaden started freaking out"oh my god how could you do this to me what am I going to tell mads I'm going to lose the only girl I've ever loved and it's all your fault"
Kennedy just sat there crying and got out the blades in the bathroom "no one loves me anymore" 1 cut "I'm better off dead" 2 cuts " I actually thought he loved me wow I'm a idiot" 3 cuts everything went black. "Shes waking up Tony" ???? "Should I get jaden"tony said " we all know how he is right now he hates her because he thinks she got pregnant on her own" ???? "Where is she going to stay" ????"shell come home with me" jaden said  "well see J" payton said

jaden hossler stepsister 👅Where stories live. Discover now