Chapter 23

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"Mud, I smell mud", Rex' hissing echoed through the hallways. The other students didn't seem to have heard, how could they? No one except for Seraya and Tom Riddle was capable of hearing the ancient basilisk. The gigantic snake had been preying on mudbloods all day. Tom had given the beast the task to kill the first magical abomination late last night. Seraya had been feeling the anticipation and so -she figured- did Tom. Finally, something was bound to happen, finally their plans were moving forward. 

During classes, the young witch had eagerly listened to Rex voice sounding from within the walls, following the drainage system of the school. She was having problems concentrating on the Transfiguration lesson that was currently taking place. A short glance at Tom told her that he was struggling to keep his usual calm as well. There was a slight thrumming and buzzing of his magic that surrounded him and spoke of his excitement. 

Seraya was very susceptible to magical signatures and auras and so was Professor Dumbledore who was eyeing Tom Riddle with even more suspicion and wariness than was usual. Seraya desperately hoped that Tom would be able to pull himself together as the attacks continued otherwise Professor Dumbledore might not remain the only member of staff to question Riddle's motives. 

"Blood...let me tear you, let me rip you", the voice of the basilisk grew further and further. It seemed as though Rex had found a mudblood to single out and kill at last. The Ravenclaw-girl shot a brief look at the large clock adorning the wall above Professor Dumbledore's desk. 12:07. There were another twenty-three minutes until class was over and lunch-break started. Enough time for Rex to kill a mudblood. 

The hallways of the castle would be empty, save for the caretaker and some ghosts, hence the basilisk would have enough time to kill and disappear into the Chamber again, undetected. Oh, what drama would unravel once the students started streaming towards the Great Hall only to stumble over the corpse of one of their own on the way.

- - - - - 

As the bell rang and Professor Dumbledore dismissed the class, the students collectively ushered out the stuffy room, hungry from focusing all their energy on magic and thinking. Timothy had fallen ill two days ago and had been moved to the hospital-wing to ensure a quick recovery. Therefore, Seraya and Eric had decided to share benches during classes. 

They were now joining the flow of students headed towards the Great Hall, whereas there were certain individuals who rushed up the stairs to get to the library, Ravenclaws mostly. The house tables were already well filled as Seraya and Eric joined their housemates at Ravenclaw-table. It was loaded with all kinds of delicious foods: mashed potatoes with gravy, sandwiches, pancakes and many more. 

As always, the dark-haired girl reached for the deep pot of steaming hot vegetable soup; it had become her lunch-standard rather quickly. "Hey, Eric?", she asked in-between spoonfuls. The boy in question hummed as a sign for her to continue. "I was planning on visiting Tim in the hospital-wing before dinner to bring him today's classwork and homework assignments. Care to join me?" He nodded; mouth full of chicken. 

There was a lively buzz of chatter and laughter in the hall. A light atmosphere surrounded the students as they ate and talked with friends. When the first screams echoed through the castle, a sudden silence washed over the student body. The teachers at the high table sat up in alarm, especially a certain Transfiguration Professor whose brilliant blue eyes flickered between the entrance to the Great Hall and Slytherin table. 

It took several more moments for someone to rush into the dining-hall. It was a third year from Hufflepuff, breathing heavily, horror painted on his young face. Some of his house-mates came to keep him upright, as the boy looked ready to pass out at any given second. He was shaking and jittery and sickly pale in the face. The headmaster flanked by Professors Dumbledore and Merrythought came rushing to his aid. Still nobody else dared utter a single word, watching on in interest and confusion. 

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