Chapter 16

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The following Thursday and Friday turned out to be quite strange. Seraya and Tom had unanimously decided to not show their freshly formed alliance in public. The both of them had agreed that it would definitely prove useful if Professor Dumbledore had no reason to distrust the young Ravenclaw. It had been quite noticeable for her though that the eight Slytherins in Tom's inner circle, whom had been informed of the general outcome of their conversation, were staring at her throughout the day with looks of apprehensive admiration and blatant confusion. 

The shocking revelation that Seraya was a parselmouth, a magical ability believed to be directly tied to the Slytherin bloodline, had gained the girl a tremendous amount of respect from the eight snakes, especially Abraxas Malfoy. Seraya wasn't sure how much of what they had discussed Tom had actually relayed to his followers but the Slytherin boy with the platinum-blond hair had been keeping particularly close to her. 

Abraxas and the young witch could have been considered companions even before the grand talk with Riddle, therefore spending time and talking to the Malfoy-heir would not alert Dumbledore. Since Wednesday, the both of them had been spending their free time in the vast corners of the grand library. It seemed as though Abraxas finally felt comfortable enough to be himself around her, as long as there weren't any others watching. And honestly, now that the boy somewhat knew who she really was, Seraya could be more herself around him than around anyone before. 

After having spent several hours with Abraxas on Thursday before dinner, the young Ravenclaw had learned that the pureblood-heir had extremely clingy tendencies and random surges of affection. Both students had been spending the last three hours in the usual aisle on advanced Transfigurations. With a flick of her wand Seraya had transfigured the armchairs in the corner into a couch with soft cushions and large enough to fit three people. 

The Slytherin boy lay sprawled across the couch, feet dangling over the armrest and his blond head rested comfortably in Seraya's lap. His eyes were loosely closed and the expression on his pale face showed bliss and relaxation. The girl was rhythmically threading her fingers through the silky platinum hair and snickered in amusement when keening noises resonated within the boy's throat. He had previously been reading a book from the restricted section, 'Moste Potente Potions', claiming that it would help him gain a deeper understanding of Slughorn's Potions classes. Said book was now left open laying on Abraxas chest, rising and falling with his breath. 

It had become a habit for Seraya to start playing with his hair. Usually she wasn't one for physical contact, much less open displays of affection, but for one the hair was just so soft and touchable and she actually genuinely liked Abraxas Malfoy's company and all the antics that came with it. "You know, I could really get used to this", the guy in question suddenly muttered, eyes still closed shut. His statement made Seraya snicker yet again: "Sure you could. Maybe you could stroke my hair while I abuse you as my personal pillow for a change." 

Her tone of voice made it obvious that she meant it as a joke, yet Abraxas still let out a whine. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry you great crybaby. You're very lucky that I happen to enjoy our routine just as much as you," the girl laughed and watched Abraxas crack a smile. It remained silent for a couple of minutes, the only sound was the brushing of fingers over old paper as Seraya flipped through the pages of her Ancient Runes class-book. Then suddenly a frown formed on the Slytherin's face and he asked: "Back in the states, did you ever, you know...did you ever have a boyfriend?" 

Seraya stopped reading instantly and looked down at Abraxas' handsome face. She had a gut-feeling, where this was going. For months she had known that the Malfoy heir was clearly attracted to her and now that even Tom Riddle, the unofficial king of Hogwarts, respected her, there was no reason for him not to pursue her. A bit wary, the Ravenclaw answered: "No, can't say that I have."

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