She was quite certain that the boy with the dark hair was currently hiding out in a certain underground chamber and she was set on paying him and the basilisk a quick visit. First, she would have to get away from the three other boys who were accompanying her. "I promised to help some of the third years with their Potions homework in the library in about ten minutes. I'll see you later for dinner," she lied and was relieved to see that none of the other's were questioning her excuse. Giving Abraxas hand one more reassuring squeeze, she rushed off towards the grand staircases and headed down to the second-floor girls' lavatory.


Tom sat with his back leaned against the statue of Salazar Slytherin when the main entrance to the Chamber of Secret was opened. In stepped Seraya Cassedy who, upon seeing Tom, looked utterly relieved. He watched the girl quickly make her way to where he sat. She let her bag drop to the ground as she crouched down to face him. "Are you alright?", she inquired and Tom nearly laughed. Did he look alright to her? But he nodded. 

"Abraxas and your other followers are worried sick about you. Please tell me you're not planning on staying down here all night." Tom didn't dare look her in the eyes because honestly, that was exactly what he had planned. Instead he asked: "Are they talking about it?" He was sure that the girl would understand his question and so she did. 

"Of course they are. They always talk about things they don't understand." That didn't make him feel the least bit better. He hated that he had publicly shown weakness. "Everyone is afraid of something Tom and there are several people who fear death above all," she tried to calm him but Tom felt his frustration grow. "It is not death that I actually fear it's.... nevermind, you wouldn't understand." 

No one would ever understand. Seraya looked at him with contemplation before stating: "I do understand, Tom. You fear that dying makes you ordinary, just like everyone else." "I can't die. I won't let that happen; I will find a way." And there it was. Seraya had dreaded that Tom would actively start hunting for means to immortality. 

Although she had hid Salazar Slytherin's copy of 'Secrets of the Darkest Arts', she feared that the boy would still find out about the horror that was horcruxes. Their creation was an internationally banned magical practice, nonetheless it was still the most well-known form of soul magic by wizard-kind. Some of the old dark families such as the Malfoys and Lestranges still kept books on soul magic; there was no doubt that the information on horcruxes would somehow fall into his eager hands. She would not let him pursue that way to immortality, never. 

"Tom?", the boy looked up questioningly as if to say 'What?'. "Promise me you won't submerge yourself in things you don't fully understand. Death is a tricky entity and not to be meddled with." His eyes narrowed in suspicion and he tilted his head to the right slightly. "You sound like someone who is at least a bit knowledgeable when it comes to Death-Magic. What aren't you telling me, Seraya?", his voice was barely above a low hiss as his gaze scrutinized her for any sign of dishonesty. 

Seraya sighed softly: "Even after all that I have shared with you Tom, there are still some things that best remain hidden. For now. Just please, please promise me you won't make any hasty decisions." The last part of her speech sounded like a desperate plea and Tom suddenly understood that she was truly and deeply afraid of what he would get himself into, trying to evade death. It made his insides itch to know what the American girl knew. Did she have the answers he so yearned for? 

"Why are you so set on warning me about possible dangers of Death-Magic? It's not like you would pay the consequences, is it?", he questioned a bit put off by her insistence on having him promise to be careful. The Ravenclaw-girl now looked severely uncomfortable but replied: "Not directly, no. But you know the rule: Magic always comes with a price and Death-Magic has extreme costs. You might just loose yourself if you don't tread with wariness." 

A short pause. "Look Tom, why don't we make a deal. You come to me with the ways of immortality you find and I will honestly and openly discuss them with you. That way I can ensure that you don't take in more than you can swallow and you will learn more about the magic behind things and the balance of energy. Who knows, I might just feel open to sharing some of my more treasured secrets. I can think of at least a few that would be of interest to you." 

She had him, she knew it. Tom knew that his hungrily gleaming eyes were what gave him away but her deal was too good to turn down; after all, two opinions were better than one. He outstretched his cold hand and was met with her soft one but equal in temperature. In parseltongue he spoke: "I, Tom Marvolo Riddle, commit to your terms for as long as you uphold your end of the bargain." 

Instantly the parselmagic snapped through the both of them and sealed the contract. "Great," Seraya huffed, "now that things are in order, can you please show your face in the main castle, before Abraxas throws himself off the Astronomy Tower. Like you said. You are Tom Marvolo Riddle, last born heir to Salazar Slytherin, a few minor rumors won't crumble your authority and the respect the student body and staff holds for you." 

To Tom it was incredible that that particular girl was able to so easily calm him down and to lift his spirits and make him see reason. She was his moral compass, telling him right from wrong when needed. For his plans for the wizarding world to succeed, it was prudent that she stayed by his side and what better way than by dating his best friend and right-hand man. A triumphant smirk spread across Tom's face as he got up from the ground and followed the retreating figure of the person who would be the key to his success.

[Ok, so apparently I'm studying Computer Sciences now. Also, I bought a new Laptop (not a promise that I will update more frequently). People have recently been showing this story much love. Thank you. Stay safe and healthy, everyone.]

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