Personal Space

Depuis le début

I noticed myself blushing wildly as I read through the page one more time just to be sure I wasn't missing anything. Then I flipped the pages back a little. They were all about the times when we hung out together and how much he liked me. This made me smile until I heard a gasp coming from the doorway.

It was Army, and he had caught me reading through his diary.

I just stared back at him. I had no plan of what to do if he had come in...

"So you needed soap?!" Army yelled at me as he took his dairy from my hands.

"I-I was looking for soap but then I came across—" Aloha got cut off my Army again.


"I'm sorry Army... I dunno what I was thinking..." I almost whispered.

Army didn't answer he just stormed out of the room, dairy in hand. I swallowed. I really didn't want to mess things up with Army right now, or ever.

I had never seen Army cry before, not that I ever expected to. I always knew he was very sensitive but he did a good job hiding it.

I felt awful. Why did I do that!? I scolded myself.

(Army's P.O.V)

I knew I couldn't let Aloha see me cry so I held it back as hard as I could, but I failed. I honestly thought Aloha would have sense and not read through my diary. But then I wondered what I would do if I saw Aloha with a dairy. Would I read it? Yes.

I realized then that maybe I had been a little unfair to Aloha. I saw him standing a little ways away from me. He seemed really ashamed of himself. I sighed. I didn't really mean to yell, but, in the moment, I was just so furious.

I turned to apologize but he was already letting himself out the door. He walked down the stairs of the complex and headed home. I felt a knot well up in my stomach and I sighed deeply.

He was already gone. But I can talk to him tomorrow, right?

(Aloha's P.O.V)

As I walked back home every thought in my brain told me to go back and apologize again. But I knew Army didn't want to talk to me. So I just kept walking. I pulled my Golf Visor down a bit so that no one would question why I looked so down. But it failed.

I came across my team on the way back. They obviously could tell I was upset.

"Hey, Aloha! Whoa, are you okay?" Diver asked.

"Yeah, you look a little down," Straw added.

"I'm honestly fine guys," I lied.

"Aloha, don't lie to us," Octoglasses shook her head, "What's up with you?"

That's when I got angry.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I rudely answered.

At that, I walked past them and headed home more quickly this time. I was relieved when I saw my apartment close by but not happy when I saw my team following me. I decided to run. I didn't want to talk to anyone about what happened. I quickly ran up the stairs to my apartment room and unlocked the door as fast as I could. Locking it behind me, I curled into a ball on the couch and sighed.

"Aloha!!?" my team shouted as one of them knocked on the door.

"I said, I don't wanna talk," I growled.

"Yeah, but something is bothering you, Aloha. We can tell," Diver replied.

"Yeah, well, stay out of it!" I yelled.

I heard Straw whisper something to the rest of my team and they soon headed off. I heard the sound of their feet thumping down the stairs as they left.

I was happy they were leaving but not so happy with myself for shutting them out like that. I decided to try to text Army to get the situation off my mind.

(Army's P.O.V)

I was on the couch drinking soda to ease my sadness, slouching in my sitting position. Yeah, some Cola--despite the tons of sugar in it--always made me feel better. I perked up as I heard a *buzz* from my phone. I picked it up seeing it was Aloha. I wondered whether to read it or not. I ended up doing it anyway.

Aloha: Hey, Army, I know that you are probably still mad n' all that, but I hope you have a good night. Also, don't mind responding. I know you probably won't, and that's fine. Again, I'm sorry.

Aloha wasn't right. I did want to talk to him, but I just didn't know what to say. 'Apology accepted', 'it's okay', or just to not respond. Finally, I went with:

Army: I know it's not exactly your fault. I should be the one apologizing. Sorry for yelling.

I pressed 'send' and waited for his response.

Aloha: c:

I sighed in relief and even though it was only 5:00, I drifted off to sleep.


Another CRINGE! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it at some point!


Some Days... • Aloha x Army Fanfic [COMPLETED/OLD]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant