Everything chances

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Ok, so this is the first actual chapter. This is the chapter where everything sets off

Klaus' POV

We've been looking for my little sister for 3 centuries now, and we finally have a lead...

"The killings stopped here" Kol pointed out. When Elijah undaggered me, I woke Kol up, along with Finn. But, unfortunately, when I went to Mystic falls to break my hybrid curse, he had died from Matt Donovan.

"New York? Why would she stop killing in New York?" Freya asked

Also, as my sister was away, are long lost sister, Freya returned to us. She's a witch, which helps in are situation

I couldn't help but feel that Rebekah's killings were my fault... It hurt to know I drove my pour little sister insane...

"Niklaus?" Elijah snaps me out of my thoughts

"What if are dear sister was caught? Not dead, but put away?" I said

"I mean, that would explain why the killing stopped 100 years ago" Kol said

"Freya sister, would you mind trying a locator spell again. I think this time we might actually find something" Elijah says

Freya returned to us about 7 years ago. She's also immortal, which helps again in are families dilemma. Anyway, when she came here, we tried to track down Rebekah, but it seemed that there was something blocking my dear sisters magic

"Anything for my sister" Freya said, and ran to her room

She came out a little while later with a map, about 6 candles, a small bowl, and a necklace

She pushed everything off the coffee table, and put the ingredients on the table

"I must say, are sister has killed more people then I have in just the 14th century, and that's saying something" Kol says, he looks at the map

"As you well know brother, are sister wasn't killing people, but vampires" I say and look at Freya

"Ok, I need blood" Freya says, as she has a knife, and a bowl in her hands

"Of course" I say, and give her my hand

She cuts my wrist, and the blood spills into the bowl

She mixes the bowl with some plant, and that dips the necklace into the blood

"Is that Rose Mary?" Kol asks

"Indeed it is Kol. This will help me get-" Freya is cut off by Kol

"Visions. You'll get visions when ever you start the spell" Kol says

Show off

"Correct brother. I shouldn't expect anything less though from the witch encyclopedia" Freya says, smiling

About 3 minutes later, everything is set up. The candles quickly light themselves, and Freya used the necklace as a compass

Then Freya's head flicks back, and her eyes open, and her pupils turn a light blue, almost as if she were blind

Freya's POV

I can see 4 coffins. I'm guessing are sister is in one...

They are in a church...



Then, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and it snaps me out of my vision

"Sister!" Elijah says

And it wasn't for a while that I realized my nose was bleeding

I quickly wiped my nose

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