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With Hayley and Rebekah
This is the same day from last chapter

Hayley's POV

I found them. I finally, found them. The pack that killed, my family. My bloodline. My Jackson. I found them. They were hiding out in town, plain sight. Now, of course I didn't really know who they were, or what they looked like. But I knew where they were, and that's enough. "They don't deserve to walk another minute on this earth!" I say, "Hayley-" Rebekah starts, "No! You don't know what it's like, loosing everyone you love, right I front of your eyes! To have the love of your life shot in front of you. Killed. To never be able to see, here, or speak to them, again!" I shout, and my eyes turn yellow. For some reason, I grow angry. Furious, for no reason. I wanna kill... "I-I have to go." I say, "Wait, Hayley! Hayley!" Elijah calls out, but I leave. There's this, hunger. At first, it's minimum, until it becomes pain. I winch in pain, as I hold my head. What the hell?! I was out on the street, when I smell something. A wolf... I look over, to see a guy. He frowns, he must smell the wolf as well. I grab his hand, dragging him in an alley. "Hey, what the hell?!" He asks me, and I smirk. "I'm sorry." I say, before biting into his neck, ripping his vocal cords with my bare hands, so he can't scream. I step back, watching as the stranger bleeds out in front of me. The pain stops, making me sigh. "H-Hayley?" Rebekah.

The next morning
Cami's POV

I wake up, everything feeling, just pensive. I look over, and see- Klaus? Events from yesterday stir in my head.

"Well hello there love."
"Why are you in my room?"


I smile at the sudden memory. I look beside me, seeing no one. But I soon see Klaus come in with a cup. "Good morning love." He says, and I smile, "Morning." I say, taking the cup and drinking the hot tea. "How did you sleep?" I ask him, "Fantastic. And you?" He asks, "I slept, fine." I say, sighing. "Yes well, I have that effect." He says, and I smile. He gives me a kiss, making me smile. "I need to get dressed." I say, pulling away, and he nods. "I suppose. Or you could stay?" He says, and I frown, smiling. "You should stay, love." He says, and I put in a dorky smile. "5 minutes." I say, and cuddle up to his side. "Ok, make it 20." I say, and he chuckles, playing with my hair.

Davina's POV

Me and Kol were out in town. I was thinking about what Klaus had said. I had done everything to keep Cami in the house. But why? Soon, Kol's phone rings. "I gotta take this, one second." He says and I nod. Soon, my head starts pounding, and it's like, someone's hitting my head with a hammer. "Do it Davina." Someone says, as they pass me. My eyes go red, as I make my way back to the compound.

I can smell the witch. She's here.

Cami's POV

I was casually walking, when I remembered I left my phone in Klaus' room. I go to get it, seeing my device on the nightstand, but then, I see a red head and Klaus kissing. "So that blonde girl? She's gone, right Nik?" The girl moans a bit, as Klaus kisses her neck, "She was nearly collateral damage." He says, and I gasp, quickly leaving. I feel rage over look me. I go to my room. Shutting the door, and messing up my sheets. I wasn't obsessed. Hell, it's not like I'm in love. I just-it's been so long since I've been with a person. I mean, so long. The last person I loved, died, and now, he uses me like I'm an object?! I start taking off my clothes, going towards the bath, and running it. I'm still in my undergarments, as I get into the bath, as the faucet still runs. I start running soap on my body. I feel absolutely disgusting! I let him touch me, make me feel good, just to know he was using me?! I wanna throw up. I don't wanna be here anymore, I feel used, and sickening.

Why? Why did he do it? Did he have a reason? I start to sob, my body feels like tiny spiders are crawling all over me, my lips feel chapped, my hair feels dry, and dead,my throat feels scratchy, as if I haven't drank water in days and my skin feels pale. I feel sick to my stomach, as I cry alone, in my bathtub.

This chapter was full, of peculiar events. I hope you all enjoyed, and don't forget to comment and vote!

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