You know Klaus?

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Starting off strong! Enjoy!

Davina's POV

I look over and see Kol sleeping beside me. We're both kinda fully clothed. I mean, we didn't sleep together last night. I'm wearing his t-shirt and panties while he's in his boxers and some sweat pants. I'm kinda glad are relationship isn't just sex. Wait, do we even have a relationship? I mean, we went out, once? That's pretty much it. And that was 2 nights ago. I've still been thinking about the mirror thing as well. What happened? I know I should probably tell the others, but, what if they still think I'm evil and throw me out? I can't risk that. I get out of bed, going to open the door, when I here some one beginning to come in. So, I hide behind the door. "Invisa." I whisper, so I'm invisible. The person comes in, being Elijah.

"Brother." Elijah says, and Kol groans awake. He sees Elijah, and his eyes widen. He looks over and sees I'm gone. "Is something wrong?" Elijah asks, "Uh, not at all." He says, and Elijah nods. "Good. Well, I wanted to ask if you've seen Davina anywhere? Niklaus wants to speak with her about something but he can't seem to find her." Elijah says, and my eyes widen. "Well, why are you asking me? I wouldn't know?" Kol says, "Of course not. I'm asking everyone. Have you seen her at least?" He asks again, and Kol shakes his head. "Not since yesterday." He says and Elijah nods. "I'll tell Niklaus." Elijah says heading out the door, making me hold my breath, and try to call my heart beat. "Oh and Kol?" Kol looks up at him, "You would tell me if you were, per say, hiding something?" He asks, and Kol nods. "Of course brother." He says and Elijah nods leaving.

I breath and the spell wears off. "There you are." He says, and I smile jumping on the bed and on to him. He smiles, as do I, as he pulls me in for a kiss. "Good morning darling." He says, "Morning." I smile. "So what's on the schedule for today?" He asks me, "Well you and Klaus have to go to Magic falls remember this weekend. Which is in 3 days?" She says, "Magic falls? You mean Mystic falls?" He chuckles, "Same thing." She says, "But what if I don't wanna go on that trip? What if I just wanna stay with you?" He says, flipping is over so he's on top. "As much as I'd love that. Your brother needs you." I say, and he rolls his eyes. "And what are you gonna do all day?" He asks me, "Well, I'll probably go out around town. See more of New Orleans." I say, and he nods. "Be safe." He says, "Always." I say, kissing him again, when suddenly the door bursts open. "Hey-Wow!" Cami says, shocked. "Cami!" I say, and Kol smirks. "Well this was totally expected." She says, and I sigh. "Please don't-" "My lips are sealed." She says, and I smile. "Thank you." I say, "Anyway, wanna come with me to town?" She asks and I nod. "Why not?" I say, and she smiles. "Great." She says, and leaves. "One person down, a lot more to go." He says, chuckling.

Later that day

Cami's POV

Me an Davina were out shopping. Rebekah was with her sister, and Hayley was with Elijah. I was bored, and Davina was available. "What about this?" She asks me, "Ooh, is that a nice dress for Kol to rip off?" I tease, and she glares at me. "Maybe you should get it so Klaus can take it off you in one of your therapy sessions." She teases back, and I blush. "Shut up." I say, and she smiles. "Anyway, blue or red?" She asks me, "Hm. Definitely blue-wait! No, red." I say, and she nods. "Red or blue Cami?" She says, "I don't know damn it! I'm an indecisive bitch ok." I say, and we laugh. "I know Agnes! But it's just Niklaus! He won't hurt me." A voice says, catching my attention. Me and Davina share a look, before spying on the girl. She had red hair, and pale skin "I know. And I will be. Now I gotta go Agnes, but I'll talk later."" She says, and I go to walk to her, but Davina stops me.

No." She whispers, "Yes! She knows Klaus, meaning she knows the Mikaelsons!" I whisper back, "What if she thinks he's human?!" She whispers back, "We'll never know unless we ask." I say, and get out of her grip, dispute her cries for me to come back. I go up to the red head. "Hi." I say, and she turns around, giving me a smile. "Oh, hello. Can I help you?" She asks me, "Uh, yeah. I didn't mean to ease drop, but, I heard you mention Klaus' name." I say, "Oh, you know Klaus?" She asks me, "Uh, barley. I'm just, a family friend is all." I say, and she nods. "I'm Cami." I say, "Genevieve." She says, as we shake hands. "So, how do you know him?" I ask her, "Oh, well, we go way back. I used to know Rebekah?" She says, and I nod. "Oh, right." I say, knowing she must know that there vampires since Rebekah has been put down for years. "Cami, we should get going." Davina says, grabbing my arm. "Right, of course. Well, it was nice meeting you Genevieve." I say, "You to Cami." She says, and we leave.

When we get back home, me and Davina are in Klaus' study alone. "Something is off about that girl." I say, "Cami, you just met her, how do you-" "Davina?, she knew Rebekah. Like, knew, knew Rebekah. " I say, and she frowns. "Wait but, she's not a vampire?" She says, "I know! That's why we should get in touch with her, and find out more." I say, "No, that won't be necessary." A voice says, and I look over seeing Klaus. "Davina may I speak with you for a moment?" Klaus says, and I frown. "Actually-" She starts, "Now. Please." He says, and she gives me an apologetic look before leaving me alone in the study.

Davina's POV

Me and Klaus are now in the music room. "What?" I say, "Genevieve is with the New Orleans witches." He starts, "And? What's your point?" I ask, annoyed. "As I cannot blame her, she has some, feelings towards me. Which is why Cami cannot make her an ally, or even a pretend one." He says, and I roll my eyes. "Wait but I thought you like your enemies to be close?" I ask him, "Not this one. This one is more dangerous the closer she is to me. Therefore I've set up a meeting tomorrow morning for her to come over." He says, and I'm madly confused, "But you just said-" "Just. Whatever you do, don't let Cami leave the house. Understand?" He says, "And why would I listen to a thing you have to say?" I ask him, enraged. "Because little witch. I know you and my brother have been having an affair. And I'm sure, he's told you the wonderful dagger stories." He smirks, and I get serious.

"You'd dagger your own brother for your own personal game?" I ask him. "I'd do anything to get what I want. Now, will Camille leave the house?" He asks me, and I look anywhere but him. I scoff in disbelief. This is not what I signed up for. "No." I say, and he smirks. "Fantastic."

This is my first back chapter. How was it? What is Klaus planning? Don't forget to comment and vote!

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