Harry sat quietly not wanting to interrupt the Malfoy heir. "She lost the baby due to the Cruciatus Curse." Malfoy heaved in a breath and continued talking. "Mother has never been the same sense. She stopped smiling, stopped laughing."

Draco clenched his jaw and turned towards Harry. "My father," he spat out the word as if it was the worst thing possible, which to him, it probably was, "treats her like a muggle whore, passing her around to his friends, torturing her whenever he pleases. Her hands have a constant shake because of how many times shes been under the Cruciatus and she can barely hold a quill. I had to write the letter from her to you!

All I want is to kill my father for what he's done to my Mother, and if it means that I have to pretend to be light, to side with half-bloods and muggleborns or even muggles to kill my father, then I will."

Harry sat in silence as he thought about what Draco said. He took note in how he said pretend and how much hate and furry was in his voice. Harry reevaluated what he knew of Draco Malfoy.

He carried himself with confidence, straight shoulders and stiff back, his head always held high. Held so high that he seemed he was looking down on you half the time. He smelled strongly of apples and parchment, of ink and that peculiar smell that Harry had began associating with magic.

Right now Harry could practically feel the furry, the anger, the hate rolling off of him. He took note of how he gripped his wand, his knuckles white from the force of his grip. He watched as a few orange sparks shot of his wand as he struggled to reign in his emotions and magic.

Harry stood up from the chair he had been sitting in and held his hand out to Draco. "When the time comes, I promise you that you'll get your vengeance."

Draco looked at the outstretched hand before looking up into Harry's eyes. Draco noted how his green eyes shown with determination and strength, how his entire stance promised retribution. Draco nodded as he to, stood up and shook Harry's hand. "I'll hold you to that." He said.

Harry smirked. "I'd have it no other way."

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts

Term started back up a few days later and Harry and Hermione threw themselves into trying to best one another. They battled for the number one spot in all of their classes, answering every question with more and more complex answers.

After the talk that Harry and Draco shared, the pale Slytherin was seen more often Harry and Hermione . When Harry asked what his father might react, Draco just sneered and said, "Let him think what he wants." Harry didn't broach the topic again.

As the weeks went by Harry started to get a weird feeling, like someone was watching him, following him. He talked about his strange feelings with Draco and Hermione, and both agreed that due to his magical nature that he should be more cautious than usual.

It was after the full moon in April that the feeling bubbled over.

Harry sat down heavily next to Hermione at the Ravenclaw table. He blinked tiredly as Hermione set down a plate full of meet and vegetables. He ignored the veggies and dug into the meat, not noticing Hermione's eye roll.

"Harry can you at least eat a few vegetables for me? You may be a werewolf but that doesn't mean your not human."

Harry pointed his fork at her. "No I-" He cleared his throat.

"Harry are you okay?"

Harry didn't reply as he fell into a fit of coughing. Harry could feel the blood flooding to his face and he was sure it was taking on a nice shade of purple.

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