My Day Off pt 9

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My Day Off pt. 9

"Mommy! I need help with this question!" Dylan yelled from the kitchen. I smiled and got up from my spot on the couch.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down on the seat in between Dylan and Rachel.

"Rachel, Do you need help too sweetie? You are in a harder class," I offered.

As Rachel was about to answer Daylan spoke. "Mommy, why is Rachel always in higher classes than me?" My 5 year old daughter asks. I look at Dylan's innocent face. I take her into my arms and cradle her. "Sweetie, why don't ask daddy." She smiled and jumped off my lap, running into the living room.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Dylan yelled as she ran into the living room. Ross smiled, stood up and took Dylan into his arms.

"Hi princess," Ross said as he kissed her cheek. "What's up?" Dylan smiled as Ross set her down on his lap when he sat down. Dylan smiled and asked Ross the question. Let me tell you, His face was priceless.

"Daddy, Why am I not as smart as Rachel?" Dylan asked innocently. She giggled while Ross panicked. He started stuttering and sweating.

"Uh, h-honey, why would y-you, uh, why do say that?" Ross' voice got all high at the end and I stood behind the wall of the kitchen watching my panic ridden husband. Rachel came up behind me and tugged on my shirt.

"Mommy, what's so funny?" Rachel inquired. I smiled and lifted her up. She looked at Ross panicking and giggled. "That is pretty funny mommy," She continued giggling and I smiled. My girls have the most beautiful smiles.

I set Rachel back at her place on the table and continued helping her leaving Ross to fend for himself. Lets see how he handles this.

"Awesome job honey! Give me a high five." I held my hand out and Rachel slammed her palm into mine. She did a good job on her homework. I told her she could have ice cream if she did her homework as best as she can by herself. She only got 3 wrong. I'm so proud.

As I got up to get the ice cream Dyan ran in crying with Ross running behind her. "No sweetie! I didnt mean it like that!"

I dropped the ice cream and spoon in the sink and grabbed Dylan. "M-mommy! D-Daddy-"

"Shh, its okay now. I'm here, Shhh," I gave Ross a glare and he bowed his head. I sighed and went upstairs.

Once I got to my bedroom, I set Dylan on my lap. She still had her arms wrapped around me and I gently swayed her back and forth. Her sniffling calmed down a little and her breathing slowed. Soon, I didn't feel her chest going up or down. I panicked and looked down. She wasn't breathing so I put two fingers on her neck and felt a faint pulse. It was getting weaker.

I ran downstairs with Dylan in my arms, screaming Ross' name. I found Ross and Rachel in the living room coloring together. Sorry to interrupt your coloring session but our daughter is dying!

"Ross! Ross! D-Dylan!" Ross jumped up and ran to me with Rachel following behind. "Laura, what's going on? Is Dylan ok?" Ross catechized.

"No, her p-pulse and weak and hospital. Now!" I screamed frantically.

Ross had a puzzled look on his face until a few seconds later he got it. Impatiently, I grabbed Ross who grabbed Rachel's hand and we ran outside.

I carefully set Dylan down in a toddler car seat and strapped her in. I kissed her forehead and whispered 'Hang on baby' then I strapped in Rachel.

I jumped in the front seat and started the car. I drove to the hospital in under 10 minutes. So what if I ran a few red lights.

As soon as the car was parked I pulled out the key and jumped to the back seat. I got Dylan and checked her pulse. It was even weaker than before. I threw Ross the keys and ran inside the hospital.

I screamed for assistance but a nurse told me to calm down and wait and she'll be with me soon. My daughter's pulse is barely there and she expects me to calm down?!

As I about to murder this women Ross ran in and caught me. Holding me back with Dylan in my arms. The lady took Dylan out my arms and yelled something to the other nurses and she was rushed into a room.

I collapsed in Ross' arms, crying heavily. Tears rushing down one after the other as my husband cradled me in the middle of the hospital waiting room.

He held me and ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. He repeated over and over again that everything was going to be okay but It was more for his sake than mine.

As Ross held me and rocked me back and forth, Rachel crawled in between us. She cuddled up to the both of us and I stayed hugging my husband and daughter.

I hope Dylan will be okay.

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