My Day Off- A Raura One Shot pt.2

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My Day Off- A Raura One-Shot pt. 2

The words hit me like a slap in the face. My mind wouldn’t let me accept the words that just poured out of his mouth. His parents abused him. It’s not possible. It’s just not possible that the Stormie and Mark I’ve known for 4 years would ever do that him. They’re way too sweet.

Right now Ross’ head is on my lap and I’m running my fingers through his soft, silky, beach blonde hair. He seems to be calming down. His heart rate is still fast but slower than when he first got here. I mean, Ross is my best friend. I love him so much but I don’t know what to do.

Just the thought that Stormie and Mark would abuse him baffles me so much. There is a knock on the door and my fingers stop combing through his hair. I carefully move his head onto a pillow and start to get up. However, I don’t make it even 5 inches away from the bed because then he grabs my hand; restricting me from moving any farther.

“Laura,” Ross looked like had just woken up. He looked sleepy and he was whispering.

“Yea Ross?” I asked. What was wrong? He was sleeping a few seconds ago.

“Don’t leave. Stay,” Aww, Ross had the cutest little face. “Please?” He made these pleading eyes but I’m only going across the room to open the door.

“Ross, go back to sleep. I’m just going to open my door.”

“I can’t back to sleep without you. You’re like my teddy bear or my pillow. Something I can’t live without.” I could feel my cheeks get hot and I couldn’t hold my big, stupid grin back. Damn it Laura!

I looked at the ground and squeezed Ross’ hand.

“Thanks Ross, that means a lot.”

“I love you Laura.”

Those words, Those 3 simple words that my heart had been yearning for as long as I can remember.

How was I to respond? Luckily I have a couple hours because he fell back asleep. I noticed when his grip on my hand loosened and not long after that his hand completely let go of mine and fell to the floor.

I made him comfy on my bed and rested my thumb on his cheek for a few seconds before kissing his forehead and slipping quietly out of the room.

I walked down the stairs, thinking about what to say to Ross when he wakes up. I just don’t know how show him I feel the same way. I need him to know I love him too.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down on the kitchen counter after grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

My mom then walks through the kitchen door and looks at me with a stern look.

“Laura, how many times must I tell you not to sit on the counter?” I mumbled a ‘sorry’ and hopped off the counter.

I walked past her, taking the bottle of cold water with me for Ross and again wasn’t able to pass because she grabbed my arm.

“Whoa, what’s wrong Laura?” She looked at me with sad eyes and kinda looked like she was trying to read me. This is one reason why I can never lie to her. She sees right through me.

I sighed and went into the living room and plopped down on the couch with a sigh. My mom came and sat down right next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on her shoulders and within 5 seconds I could feel a warm liquid on my cheeks.

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