My Day Off- pt. 4

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My Day Off pt. 4

"Just put this on and meet me at the beach."

Ugh. Ross is so annoying sometimes. I love him but seriously? Today's our anniversary and all I wanted was to watch movies with Ross, cuddled up on our bed.

Instead, he sends me running all around town just to put on a dress and go to the beach? This better be worth it.

I grab my towel off the hook and walk into our master bathroom and got in the shower. After taking a shower, washing my hair and basically getting myself ready, I walked back into the bedroom and threw on the dress. It was a yellow sundress and it was simple. Just like how I like it.

I put on some yellow sandals that matched the dress perfectly and grabbed my denim jacket and purse off the counter in the counter.

After making sure I had my keys, phone, and other necessities, I turned off all the lights and locked the door. I pulled out of the garage and after a horrible traffic jam, I got to the beach.

I parked in the parking lot and walked to 'Our Spot'. Its under a tree deep at the end of the beach. Its where we 'officially' met.

When I got there I gasped; wondering if what was set before me was just an illusion. Nope, it wasn't.

I ran and threw myself in Ross' arms. He spun me around and kissed me while setting me down. He pulled away first, which was unusual. I usually do that. I pouted and he laughed at me.

"Ok cutie, as much as I want to keep kissing you, the foods going to get cold." Ross said. I pouted again and he pecked my lips.

"No fair." I said. Ross rolled his eyes at me while smiling.

"C'mon, you love spaghetti. " Ross said. I squealed and ran over to the other side of the table. I pulled my chair in and started eating the spaghetti.

"Laura! That's my job!" Ross exclaimed. He usually brings me to the table and pushes me in like a gentlemen. He pouts and looks at me. Ugh, curse his cute pouty face.

I sigh and stand up pushing the chair in and walked back to my position next to Ross.

"Well lover boy? I'm not getting any younger." I said. Ross got all excited and pulled me over to the chair.

"Whoa!" I said. Ross practically pushed me down in the seat and pushed me in.

"See better, right?" Ross asked. He made an innocent smile and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes Ross. That was so much better. Thank you." I said with playful sarcasm dripping from my voice. However, Ross apparently didn't catch that.

"Your welcome." Ross said. He leaned down and kissed me lips. I kissed back and then we pulled away and smiled at each other.

Ross uncovered the spaghetti that I already half devoured.

"Well this would if been more romantic if someone didn't devour half of it." Ross looked in my direction and I did an innocent smile.

"Love you?" I more asked then stated. He shook his head while smiling at me. Indicating that he wasn't really mad at me for it.

I got up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

"What's this for?" Ross asked.

"For giving me an amazing anniversary." I replied.

"But the best part hasn't happened yet. Well that kinda depends on your answer." Ross said.

I was so confused. What was this boy talking about?

Suddenly Ross got down on one knee and my reflexes kicked in. One hand flew over my mouth while the other was cupped in Ross' hand.

"Laura Marie Marano, there are no words to describe how much you mean to me. The way you can light up my whole world just by your beautiful smile. How you turn me into a better person everyday. How perfect you are and how well we fit together. There is no me without you. There is no life without you," Ross took the ring box out of his pocket and opened it up in front of me.

"Will you do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife?" Ross finished off his speech with a nervous smile.

I also got down on one knee, which was hard in my dress but I managed.

" The honor would be mine." I whispered. He looked at me and smiled big.



Ross stood up and I picked me up spinning me around.

"She said yes!"

"Ross!" I exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh. This man is my life. My one and only.

He put me and slipped the ring on my finger. I looked at it and I loved it. Ross knows me so well.

"Do you like it?" Ross asked, nervous again.

"No.....," Ross' face saddened. I continued.

"I love it." Ross' face turned from miserable to delighted. He wrapped his arms around and kissed me.

"You're gonna be a Lynch."

"I can't wait."

And my fiance kissed me again.

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