"Ah boring! C'mon tell us how she is!" Billy shouted and everyone, who was listening to me, all shouted in agreeing with Billy.

"Well, she's a Navy nurse and I'm pretty sure she was shipped here to Pearl along with her friends. She's really sweet, kind, and unbelievably beautiful." I say remembering her light brown locks that were curled at the bottom and the way her makeup always complemented her eyes.

My smile must've widen as I was thinking about her because I hear a couple of wolf whistles and cheering.

"Danny boy here is head over heels for this nurse." Gooz says.

I chuckle.

"Honestly Gooz, I think I am." I admit and everyone in the hanger erupted into cheers and claps.

"What in the hell is all the cheering and clapping about?" Earl shouts and everyone goes silent.

"Well sir, Danny here is telling us about a nurse he met back in New York and how he's in love with her." Billy says.

"Yeah well I know what you'll fall in love with, working longer hours if you keep this up." He says everyone scatters back to their hangers, while Gooz, Red, Anthony, Billy, and I all get back to work on the plane we were working on.

"That's what I thought." He says and just before he leaves, he puts his hands on my shoulder.

"Don't break the girls' heart alright?" He tells me.

I nod and smile at him.

"Wouldn't dream of it sir." I tell him and he gives me a smile and pats my shoulder then, leaves our hanger.

"Geez I hope he didn't give us extra working hours." Red mutters under his breath.

"Red shut up!" Billy and Anthony say in unison, throwing their rags at him.

I just laughed and went back to work only have one thing on my mind,

Lieutenant Emiellia Rogers.

Emiellia's P.O.V

The time was 3:30 and all the nurses wanted to head to the beach, so we all headed back to the house and got ready.

I was in my room finishing pinning my hair into a bun, when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I call out to the person outside the door.

The come in and I face them to see Evelyn dressed in her swimsuit.

"I decided to take your word for it and I'm coming with you." She says with her lips stretching into a smile.

I smile back at her and embrace her in a hug.

"You know you didn't have to come." I tell her.

She shrugs in the hug.

"I felt like going, plus I wanted to enjoy the 'nice warm breeze and the smell of salt from the sea in the air and the warm sun on my skin.'" She says repeating what I told her when the nurses tried to convince her to come with us.

I laugh.

"Yeah, and if you want to, you can always write to Rafe if you want." I tell her and she nods.

We break from the hug and left the room to see Barbra and Betty was waiting for us.

"Where's everyone else?" Evelyn asks the two women.

"They left for the beach already, c'mon let's go!" Betty says and drags Evelyn and I put the door as Evelyn and I laugh at her antics.

"Hey wait up! I was fixing my lipstick!" Barbra yells as she chases after us.

We all laugh louder as she says that.

We've been here for an hour and a half and we were all a bit tired.

We all enjoyed swimming and playing in the salty ocean waters, and made a couple of sandcastles.

Evelyn went into the water with us a bit, then went to sit farther away from us to write to Rafe.

She told us that she didn't want to ruin our fun, so that's why she sat farther away from us.

"Hey girl! Having fun!" I heard Martha say as she sat next to me.

"Yeah I am, how about you?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Oh yeah, so much. Anyways, I feel like we haven't talked that much." She points out, which was true.

Back in New York, we would take to each other almost every day, mostly about boys, but with everything going on, we haven't really spoken to each other.

"Yeah we haven't. I guess it's probably what's been going on, plus the whole Pearl Harbor moving kinda getting in the way." I answer and she nods.

After that, we started having a small conversation, when her smile turns into a smirk.

"Speaking of boys, your fly boy is here." She says in my ear.

I turn around to see Danny and the other pilots I've seen him with before, here.

"Oh gosh." I say as I turn back around and placed my aviators on my face.

"Someone's I bit nervous huh?" She teases me.

I lightly hit her.

"No, no I'm not!" I whisper shout.

"He's coming over~!" She sings.

"Wait no Martha, don't leave me!" But it was too late, just she left, and the boys came over.

"Red!" I heard Betty shout.

I was tempted to turn my head to see Betty and Red, but I knew if I did, Danny would notice me.

It wasn't the fact that I hated him, which I didn't, I was just nervous to see him again and ever since I caught feelings for him, my heart would flutter when I heard his name and I would get butterflies in my stomach when I thought about him in general.

I turn my head a bit to see Martha talking Danny.

'You didn't! Martha!' I shout in my head.

Once she finishes speaking, I see his head turn and we both make eye contact.

I quickly turn my head back to look at the ocean waves as they lapped over the semi-calm water.

My heart started to flutter as I saw out of the corner of my eye,

Danny Walker walking towards me.

Chapter 7 done and more to go!
Anyways, thanks for reading as usual and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
(Word Count: 1461)
Longer chapter today!
I do not own the characters from 'Pearl Harbor'

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