Chapter 23

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A wave.

A single movement of the hand to greet someone, or energy that is collected from the ocean waters to only get smaller as it reaches shore.

I sit on the shore, watching the waves lightly kiss my toes, as my finger tips touch the warm golden brown sand around me.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of the ocean water as small memories of what happened go through my brain.

As I kept thinking about it, I couldn't help but wonder if my brother was okay and if he was alive, along with trying to block out the negative thoughts of him.

As I was caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice someone sat next to me, until they cleared their throat.

I kept my eyes on the tumbling ocean waves as I knew now who was sitting next to me,

"Hey Danny." I said. I heard a light laugh as I saw from the corner of my eye that he looked at me, then back to the ocean.

"I'm not surprised you knew it was me, I should've known." He responded as my lips were pulled into a light smile.

After he spoke, it was silent between us and the only noises that were around us were the sound of waves crashing against each other and on the shore.

The silence between us wasn't awkward nor tense, it was calm and relaxing as we both soaked it up.

It wasn't until I decided to break it,

"So how's Red doing? I guess I never got to ask since," a lump formed in my throat as it was still a sensitive topic to talk about.

"To be honest, not really good, it's been really hard for him." He tells me as I nod my head.

"But, how about you, how are you?" He asked me.

I look down at my bare feet buried into the sand, as I then looked back at the blue waters.

"Honestly, life hasn't been treating me the fairest." I tell him truthfully.

With everything that happened with Pearl Harbor, plus the new information that was given to me, it made my stomach churn.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that a tear fell down my cheek, only to snap out of my thoughts to feel a finger gently wipe the tear away as their hands stays on my cheek.

I slowly turn my head to face Danny to see he looks just as distraught as me. His hair is tangled and tousled, his clothes look all wrinkled, and his eyes hold eye bags under them.

With one look into Danny's chocolate brown eyes, I forgot about everything as I laid my forehead against his shoulder and started sobbing as the weight of everything that happened was lifted off my shoulders.

He wrapped both of his muscular arms around my waist as he rubbed my back and placed gentle, light kisses on the top of my head.

After about 25 minutes of sobbing into Danny's shoulder, I lift my head up and looked at his tear stained hula shirt as I let out a light scoff.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do this to your shirt." I say with a raspy voice.

He chuckles as our eyes meet as he smiles at me and pulls back a strained of my light brown hair behind my ear.

"It's alright." He whispers.

With every second we looked at each other, the more of my worries left my body as we got closer to each other. Our lips were about to touch, when my senses came back as flashes of Evelyn's face came into my mind as I quickly move away from Danny and quickly get up and grab my sandals.

I'll always love you (A 'Pearl Harbor' fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now