First week without Bin went better than what I had anticipated, Ji eun was more like herself now although she would still occasionally call out for Bin and cry when she couldn't find him.

Today, I brought Ji eun out to a cafe in Hongdae. It was a cafe that Bin and I always went to when we were dating, it served the best coffee and had amazing pastries.

As usual, when our food arrived, I snapped a picture of the both of us and the food and sent it to Bin.


YJ: *attachment of the picture*

HB: My babies, remember to eat more!

YJ: Arraseo, how's filming going?

HB: It's much smoother than expected, might be able to fly home sooner if we wrap things up faster!

YJ: Omo, that's so exciting. I love you, be careful ❤️

HB: You too, love you both more ❤️❤️

DAY 10

Day 10 was spent in my parents' home in Seoul. It felt so good to spend some quality time with my eomma and appa as they are normally busy in Daegu.

"Eon Jin-ah, how's everything?" My eomma asked as we sat down for tea.

"Ji eun and I have been really good, taking care of her myself is easier than I expected." I laughed

"Aigoo, my granddaughter is growing up so well!" My appa said as he picked Ji eun up and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"She's a chubby baby, just like you when you were younger" My eomma laughed

That seemingly witty comment elicited laughter from all of us.

DAY 12

Day 12 was when things became more exciting knowing that Bin would be back in 2 days. Just 2 more sleeps and he will be back in our arms.

That morning, I received a facetime call from him. I immediately carried Ji eun in my arms and we sat down on the couch to talk to Bin.

"Ji eun-ie!" Bin said from across the line

Hearing her appa's voice made her really excited that she clapped her hands in excitement. However, when she reached out to touch the screen, she realised that appa wasn't home yet. It was just a call.

"" Ji eun called out.

"Yes my sweetheart, appa is coming home soon okay?" Bin tenderly comforted Ji eun.

After the call ended, Ji eun and I laid down for a nap. We cuddled in bed together and I soothed her back like Bin always does, that brought a lot of comfort to her.

Suddenly, my sleep was interrupted by the sounds of the front door opening.

"Are my parents here to visit?" I thought to myself.

Before I could get out of bed, the door opened and there stood my precious Binnie.

I rubbed my eyes in confusion, "Am I hallucinating, is this real?"

"Love?" He called out.

I jumped out of bed and crashed into his arms.

Tears of joy left my eyes as I hugged him so tight.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." I cried

Bin soothed my back, "I'm back, I missed you more."

Just then, the commotion in the bedroom woke Ji eun up.

"" Ji eun called out

"My baby, yes appa is home." Bin said as he picked Ji eun up and gave her the biggest and warmest hug.

Her legs kicked in excitement, she also didn't  want to let go of her appa.

"Yah.. Ji eun, he's also mine. Is it my turn to hug him yet?" I teased

Bin open his arms out and pulled me into his embrace, "My babies..I missed you both so much." He said as he pampered us with kisses.

For the rest of the day, Ji eun refused to leave Bin's sight. She constantly wanted to be held by Bin.

Appa's princess indeed..


hey guys! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. of course, this was inspired by Hyun Bin leaving to go to Jordan to film his new movie. i saw the videos of him in the airport last night so i knew i had to quickly write a chapter on it. Hyun Bin is leaving for two to three months but I decided to cut it down to 2 weeks in this chapter to spare all of us from the further heartbreak hehe. as usual, stay safe!

see you in my next chapter x

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