Jungwon | Shy

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A/n: so this one shot is dedicated for my first reader☺️ chateunoir hi!!🙋‍♀️

You as Syibel (pronounced as Sibel I'll use Bel for nickname☺️)

Jungwon as himself


You're a social butterfly. You can be friends with anybody in your school. Some likes you and Some doesn't. You liked talking to everyone and interact with them everyday. You like making people happy and you satisfy yourself everytime you make some of them happy.

I forgot to tell you, but your in 9th grade now. You're friends are Chaeryeong and Chaeyeon. They're known as 2Chae in your school and they are siblings. Chaeyeon is the oldest but their gap are just 1 year. You treat them as your sisters because you don't have one. You're an only child and you felt lonely about it. That's why you like being friends with others.

You and the girls are walking to school right now. And the sisters are arguing again. You were already used with them tho. But you walked faster because you can't stand with them arguing with you in the middle of them. As you walked faster you noticed a boy who seemed to be a student in tour school too. He was walking alone holding onto both of his bag strap with his shoulder down.

And you as a social butterfly...you went to approach him. You felt like he's too lonely. So you wanted to be friends with him. But when you walked with him, he distanced his self and walked faster.

"Bel!! Why are you walking too fast?!" Chaeyeon asked. The boy was too far already so you decided to not chase him anymore. And since this girls are already done arguing and decided to call you. Your focuse went to them.

"Duh!~ you too were arguing with me in the middle! Do you expect me to stay there?" You asked them sarcastically. You only show this side of you to them since you're already comfortable with them.

"Angel Bel is gone now!" Chaeryeong said changing the subject. You just faced palm and started walking again. They also followed you until you got in front of the school gate.

"I'm sorry...but you can't come in. You should have brought your Id" you heard the guard saying it.

"But I'm a transfer student sir. I don't have an Id yet." The boy student said in a tiny voice. You found it cute.

You noticed it was the student earlier. You went closer to them and stood beside the boy.

"Are you really a transfer student?" I asked him. If he's a transfer student his name would be on the list inside Chaeyeon's Student council notebook. He nodded, meaning he's saying his a transfer student. That's why I never saw him before. You thought.

"What's your name?" You asked him.

"Y-yang Jungwon" he said in a shy tone. You just smiled at him and called the girls to walk faster. They then walked lazily.

"Chaeyeon...can I look through the ttansfer students in your student council notebook?" You asked her.

"You have yours! Why borrow mine?" She asked with her other brows up. Yes you're also a part of the student council.

"I left mine inside my locker. And it will take too much time to get it there and comeback here." You explained. She just rolled her eyes and asked Chaeryeong to help her get the notebook...