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[Elizabeth's POV]:

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm kept going off, so tiredly I stretched my arms and reached for it so that it'd stop the horrific ringing that was damaging my ears. It wouldn't stop for a few moments but eventually I got it to stop. Sadly though, I was already now fully awake, so I hopped out of bed sluggishly.

Getting ready for another ordinary day of highschool. I groaned. Will I have to encounter that stupid boy again?

Meliodas. The popular boy of the school. I mean, he hasn't done anything wrong to me, but he just seems like a douche. That's what Diane said anyways. Diane is my best friend, the girl with brown pigtails, with her signature outfit being an orange jumpsuit. How can you NOT know her by now?

I sighed. Getting changed wasn't too difficult for me, as it was the same daily routine. I never had breakfast, it was basically pointless to me and I was never usually that hungry. My sisters are getting worried about it but I don't think it's that concernable, although I am getting more skinnier by the day.

My hand was just about to touch the doorhandle, when Margaret, my eldest sister, called my name. I turned back to look at her, and also glanced at my other elder sister Veronica, who was slouching on the couch. Typical.

"Yes, Margaret?" I responded.

"Fathers coming back today, so just be prepared when you walk through the door." she informed, smiling a little after. I returned the smile and nodded, happy with the news, turning around to open the door and stroll along to school.

I missed my father, although I'll admit I was slightly ticked off at him. He hardly ever sees us and put all the pressure in Margaret to look after us, when she has college herself, and other things like a side job. He always makes up some sort of excuse to do with his company, Liones Corporation.

I removed the thought from my head and walked my way over to school, where I met my best friends. I gave Diane and Elaine a small hug before entering the school for another dull day. Honestly, those two girls are the only reason I can stay happy and sane in that school.

A few times during the day, I saw Meliodas and his group of friends. I'll admit, he's....attractive. I can't help but stare, but you can't exactly blame me. His emerald-green eyes, his messy blonde hair, his voice....

Even Diane will admit that he is a catch, physically. But that doesn't help the fact that he is a douche, and I don't fall for douches. Everytime I saw him, I'd realize I was staring and turned my attention back towards my friends, walking along. I think eventually he noticed, but it's not like I care or he cares. He'd probably forget my existence by tomorrow. Diane & Elaine also noticed too, though.

"Someone catching feeeeelings?" Elaine teased, Diane giggling alongside her. I shoved the two and looked to my right on the floor to hide my fast-appearing blush.

"N-no." I stammered.

"Dang it, why did I have to stutter during such a moment? Get a grip of yourself, Liones!" I thought to myself.

My attention just caught back to him though. This time, he looked my way and grinned at me, then turning his attention to his friends again after he saw me smile back. The blood was practically BOILING in my face, I was infact very flustered, since I didn't expect him to smile at me??

"Wow, looks like someone caught his attention." Diane muttered, caring for my flustered presence. I sighed.

"Look, he's attractive, alright? But it's like you said, he's a douche." I told them, before speed walking my way home. It wasn't that I was angry, it was that I was too flustered for anyone to see me. I don't know why?? It's not like anything MAJOR happened, and it's NOT like I like him. I don't, I hate his personality. We'll never be compatible.

However, due to the events that had happened today, I forgot all about my fathers reappearance until I saw his car parked near our house on the sidewalk. I sighed. I needed to get ahold of myself before I walked in, so I just reassured myself, and slowly walked inside.

As soon as I stepped one foot into the house, I was jumped onto by my own father. I chuckled awkwardly, returning the hug. After we released, he cleared his throats, the two girls giving a worried expression. I rose my brow, slowly forgetting about the events that happened at school.

"Elizabeth, I- uh, actually waited for you to return.." he started speaking. The concern filled in his voice just made me even more confused. What could possibly be going on?

"What's wrong, father??" I asked worriedly, desperate for answers that even the other two sisters were silent on.

"You see, with both of your sisters already having lovers, and you not having any interest for one...."

Love?? All I could think of when he mentioned that was a blind date or something, which I would've objected to immediately. I'd hope it's not anything of the sort, but what was said next changed my mindset completely.

"So I've set you up an arranged marriage, with your grooms family coming to eat dinner with us later."

I gasped, tears brimming against my eyes. I know I don't have any particular man in mind at the moment, but I didn't want my life to be based around an unhappy, arranged marriage. I wanted to explore my OWN romance. Without thinking straight, I ran up the stairs and slammed the door shut, locking it straight after. I jumped onto my bed with my face sank into my pillow, sobbing.

I heard chatter coming from downstairs, yelling from my sisters to my father. They must be having an argument. I decided to just cry even more, thinking about the possibilities.

I suppose in some aspects it could be a fun experience? I mean, there's nothing I can do to stop this from happening, as much as I wish I could do something. Hopefully the groom is nice though. What if I know him? What if he goes to our school? That'd be interesting but doubtful.

Even still, forced marriages are not fun. To think your possible soulmate is out there roaming for you whilst you're stuck inside having to go through an arranged marriage, it's just awful. I want to go on my own adventure, not be held as if I was a puppet on a string.

After a while of sobbing, I eventually calmed down, cleaning my face that was once red from crying, especially the tip of my nose. I freshened myself up a bit, with the power of makeup to make it look like I hadn't just cried for god knows how long. Once I did that, I sighed in the mirror, leaving the bathroom and slowly going down the stairs.

I didn't even bother to text Diane or Elaine, normally they'd be able to help me.  Whatever happens next I'm dreading it.


Like it so far? I don't know why, but I really love this story idea. I have so many drafts and ideas and I can't wait to share them with you guys! <3

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