"Hey, where is she now? " He asked someone.

"Dude she's right over there." I heard Cole say.

"Alright... Hey, do I look OK?" I started giggling. Aww, he's a cutie. I felt a presence next to me and not one I was expecting for the rest of the night. What does Scott want now?

"What's so funny?" He asked trying to sound seductive and tried to caress my arm with his hands. I flinched away and gave him my death stare. He smirked showing off his blinding white teeth and I'm so ready to smack some of them out.

"Just remembering the first time I met you. I thought of you as just plain annoying..." I paused. "Boy, I was wrong." He grinned at me taking what I said as a compliment.

"Oh." He said "What do you think of me now? " This time I grinned back at him ready to let it all out but maybe it isn't such a good idea...

"Believe me you don't want to know." Then I heard a group of his friends talking not too far from where we were standing.

" He might as well give up now she hates his guts." One said.

"Scott's not one to back out from a bet."

So that's why he's talking to me. Do I want to know what the bet is? Curiosity did kill the cat.

But satisfaction revived it.

"Scott, what do you want? " I asked annoyed, I could feel Luke's eyes piercing into Scott but he was too thick-headed to notice. Then Scott leaned in towards my face. No way!!! Not in a million years!!! I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. EWW contaminated!!!!

When he removed his mouth from my cheek not only did I hear Luke growling but I got an idea. I touched his shoulder and felt his heartbeat quicken. "Come with me let's go somewhere more private." It took a lot of me to hold myself back from throwing up. Me saying this to Scott! YUK! I took hold of his hand and led him outside. Before I left the room however I looked at a very mad Luke and gave him a wink. Then I dragged Scott outside. Which had a huge clean pool with tons of people surrounding it.

"Let's head up to my room." He whispered in my ear. I can't believe I'm doing this. I have to keep the grin off my face.

"No, I have a better place." I led him deep into the woods. It's so dark I need my night vision to see.

"Uh... here is your better place? " He asked sounding worried. Perfect.

"Yes it is... You're not having second thoughts are you?" I asked innocently while sliding my hands up his shirt. That got him into it.

"No way." He grabbed my waist and pushed himself against me. He went for my mouth but I moved my head so he started kissing along my neck.

"Scott, what's gonna happen if we do this? Are we going to be together?" I asked.

"Yes of course." He said at my neck. Lie.

"Hold hands when we walk down the hallways?"

"Yes." Lie.

"Never cheat on me?"

"Never." Lie.

He went for the zipper on my dress.

"No... fleas before beauty," I said and he chuckled while unbuttoning his shirt. He took off everything and came at me. But I jumped to the side and picked up his clothes.

"Hey, where are you? I... I can't see!" He yelled sounding angry.

"You're so gullible," I whispered then ran through the trees. I burst out laughing as soon as I reached the backyard. I saw Luke and Olivia standing next to each other talking then Olivia saw me and ran at me furious with Luke following but he soon ran faster than her. She noticed the bundle of clothes in my arms and slapped her hand over her mouth. Hahahahaha!!!

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