Suddenly swarming with overzealous, the male that Lionel was, his skin began to sprout with fur and his muscles sharpening into the transition he was taking. He's morphing into until his humanoid features became unrecognizable, resembling something much more poised and animalistic.

Unlike Alexander, his shift is quick and looked to be painless until his body is replaced with a feen in his steps. Snapping big jaws, showcasing his enlarged canines, Lionel began cornering Vera into a tree where she soon falls forward onto his back. Instantly the rapacious  monstrosity takes off, leaping over wood into free falls only to recollect back on his paws.

Branches are whipping at her naked legs, scratching her tainted perishable skin. Without another second of Lionel yelping with disposition, before Vera could blink again they were tackled into forestry pine ground.

Gulping away the distress teasing at her tonsils, Vera is thrown from her abductor to where she collides into poisonous bark which consumes her with elongated bushy arms and a welcoming tug for her disheveled hair. "What's happening." She barley mumbles over a cry. They were deeper into the woods than she initially anticipated. This would be liable if she had any oversee of the territory anyway.

Vera throttles into leaves, succumbing under the weight of the stars, the milking galactic soul of the moon, her own disguised compromise. For she'd never came closer to dying in any lifetime until the kisses of demise peppered her conditioning robust. Assuming she'd ever lived on the verge of an abyss so sweetening, so endeared by a faultless promise.

A promise at a chance. In love, at an opportunity at peace, it was all roughly the same. Delusion at best. A riveting fall into nothingness, without a definite landing. Had she ever curses the gods, the words would sting in a ray from her feverish lips into a ghostly sigh of fog.

An eruption of chaos, clouded her mind when the rift inside her chest between her heart and rib cage began to shutter, all at once when she heard the most guttural — soundless emptying growl that awoke everything inside of her undoing.


Everything in my body was summoned forward as the booming voice invaded my head, coaxing me to come toward a foreign nightling. The demand was short lived and raspy, but it caressed my insides to follow his orders.

The warm fuzziness of the mate bond envelopes me, silencing internal voices and all whimpering deviance.

Who knew love and power could riot hand in hand at my mate's feet.

Heaving in a sigh, the sight of my male instantly has my attention at his strut, at his powerful stance opposing me, and his captivating orbs that shaded their own potent red.

His eyes are like a magic wand bestowing upon me the sight of many stars, purging the shed of blood that shell behind the planet Venus. Only I am Mars, craving the touch of a soul, his soul to entrap mine.

I thrash around creating friction between me and Lionel but he seems to bare his fangs at me even more before teething at my arm. Towards his brother, Lionel maintains the level of eye contact while showcasing means of war. A challenge between beasts,

fur against fur.

He flashes canine and his glowing yellow eyes of mischief that danced with energy, similar to a full-fledged comet. He was truly a bundled sin beneath mounds of beauty I so badly wanted to dive into, how could I feel like this way? With anyone other than my Alexander?

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