❣Chapter 4❣

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"Princess, please wake up. You must get ready." The servant said opening the windows. The bright light came shining through hitting your face.

"Ah! It burns!" You shouted getting up with an extremely sour look. It's been around a week since your birthday, you've been staying up late ever since then more curious than the last.

"Princess, it's finally the day you meet your first suitor." The servant said bowing. Your eyes lit up when you realised it was that day.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner! Ah!" You said trying to get off the bed but the blanket caught your foot making you fall face flat on the ground. "Princess! Are you alright?" The servant asked rushing to your side unsure what to do.

She yelped when you got up all of a sudden. With struggle, you kept shaking the blanket until it came off. Happy that it did, you ran to your bathroom stumbling a bit on the way. The poor female servants had to rush after you make sure you didn't injure yourself.


"Mother! Who will I meet this week?" You asked running to your mother in a red dress that is barely above your knee. "Sorry dear but that's a secret." M/N said placing her index finger on her lips.

"Well seeing as I'm not wearing the most formal dress, I say I'm going to be doing something not so princess like!" You concluded spinning so your dress would fly a little.

"My daughter is always so smart. Now chop chop, your carriage is here." The queen said pushing you all the way towards the entrance. "You better go before your father comes rushing to stop you." She continues as the driver opens the door.

You entered the carriage alongside her most trusted servants.

"Bye mother! Please stay in bed if you are too tired! And take your medicine!" You shouted as the vehicle moved.


"Why did the carriage stop? Are we here?" You asked. It's been 10 minutes since you all left but for some odd reason, the ride stops in the middle of the path. "There's another carriage in front of us, princess." Natalie, one of the servants said.

Two people exit the carriage and walked to each side of your ride. You noticed they were guards making you question more.

"I'm sorry your highness but for the safety of our kingdom, you will be driven to the destination in the carriage in front of you. Plus, you must wear this around your eyes." One of the guards said holding up a blindfold while the other one had two of it.

"I understand, my life is in your hands then." You said nodding to your servants as they left the carriage and moved to the next one. The guards helped all of you wear the blindfolds and made sure nothing was seen, they were gentle though.

The rest of the ride was quiet. As time goes on, you couldn't help but feel nervous.

I wonder who is this. I hope we can get along...

Without realising it, you with your servants slept side by side as the ride continued one.


"Wake up your highness, we have arrived." A voice said causing you to open her eyes slowly. Out of instinct, you stretch your arms accidentally hitting your two servants.

After several apologies, you all got out and awed at the scenery in front of them. It was a small palace with a few big cracks but it was replaced with waterfalls and flower surrounding the bottom.

"So this is the Mystic kingdom." Fira, the other servant said still in awe. All your attention averted to the giant door opening. The prince in a dashing white suit with a blue sash across his body. Everyone except the princess bowed as you were too distracted in calming your heart down.

"Prince Woojin! An honour to meet you." You finally said grabbing the hem of your dress and lowering your body and head. A chuckled escape the prince lips as he grabbed one of your hands lifting it causing you to stand up.

"A great honour for you to be here, Princess Y/N." He said gently pecking the back of your hand. You panicked as the heat came to your face. You could hear your servants trying their best not to laugh.

I'm such a mess...

"Well princess, shall we head inside?" He said snapping you out of your thoughts. He held your hand tightly as they walked together inside with your servants following behind.

Come on! Let's do this!

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