❣Chapter 2❣

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"Married? But you promise I get to choose my own husband!" You asked in shock with a hint of distrust. "What happened to 'love shouldn't be force'?" You continued going closer to her father until they were inches apart.

King F/N immediately showed a panicked look, he stumbled back trying his best to come up with the right words to tell his own daughter without upsetting you.

"Yes, I did promise you!" He finally said. "That's why I brought many suitors from many kingdoms for you to choose! We still need to expand our kingdom!" He continues, relieves he thought of something quick.

I am still restricted to pick within a small group but if it helps the kingdom and makes my father happy...

After a serious discussion with yourself in your mind, you finally came to a conclusion. "Alright, if you say so, father!" You answered with a smile. Unsure if it was fake or not, the king decided to focus on the main issue though he was still worried. 

"Is everything ready?" He asked loudly causing the wall to emit an echo effect. "Yes, your majesty. We shall take his majesty daughter to her room to change." The servant moving to the side for the princess. "See you later father!" You said giving a kiss on the cheek before heading to your room. "I really hope she can find someone that is upon her standards...She can be picky." He mumbled rubbing his temples.


"My daughter! You look so beautiful!" The king exclaimed as you arrived in the main room. "Thank you, father!" You said, your eyes lighting up with happiness. When your eyes lied on the throne next to her father, a loud gasp escaped your lips.

"Mother! You shouldn't be out of bed!" You said rushing to the older women side. The queen couldn't help but giggle at her daughter's worried soul. "I'm fine, the doctor said I shouldn't be in bed forever. Plus, I need to see my daughter's potential husbands." She replied pinching your cheeks. 

"M/N dear, don't be so worried. I've handpicked the 9 best boys for her." The king said proudly. "I hope so, your ideas for the perfect husband is just depressing, F/N sweetie." She said giggling alongside her daughter. The king, on the other hand, seemed extremely hurt by this, he was about to say something but was interrupted by the sounds of trumpets.

"Oh! They're here!" You said immediately sitting on the throne next to her mother. You fixed her hair and ruffled your gown. First impressions are always important as it shows your character.

"Please welcome Prince Felix of the Twilight kingdom!"

A tall slim blonde man exit the carriage wearing a dark purple suit. As soon as he stood in front of the family, You noticed that he had freckles which caught her attention. "Mother, his freckles are adorable!" You whispered to her mother soft enough for the boy to not hear.

"He's cute also. Maybe I have underestimated your father." She replied back. He kneels down to show respect.

"Please welcome Prince Bang Chan of the Spring Kingdom!"

As soon as she heard that, your eyes lit up brightly. The prince came wearing a bright yellow suit, quite the opposite of the first prince. You waved slightly with him returning the gesture with a nod before he bowed and kneel.

"Is this the boy you keep seeing?" The queen asked as you nod with enthusiasm. "Good taste." She compliments staring at Bang Chan.

"Please welcome Prince Hyunjin of the Pelage Kingdom!"

"Prince Seungmin of the Tourmaline Kingdom!"

"Prince Jeongin of the Cerulean Kingdom!"

"Prince Changbin of the Faille Kingdom!"

"Prince Han of the Crescent Kingdom!

"Prince Minho of the Eternal Kingdom!"

"My, this is actually not a bad selection," M/N said nodding with approval. "I told you I carefully handpicked for my favourite child!" F/N boasted clearly proud of his decisions.

"I'm your only child anyway..." You sighed. "Anyway, looks will mean nothing if they have a terrible personality." You continue but in a soft voice. "I'm glad I taught you well. Hopefully, they aren't 9 versions of your dad." M/N said causing both of them to laugh. The king heard them but decided to let it slide even if he was hurt, again.

"So how do you want to pick, pumpkin?" He asked curiously on your answer. After a while of thinking, you finally thought of something. "Father, how long till the wedding?"

"3 months."

Oh god, that's so little time... With a heavy sigh, you realised this plan is the only one that can at get you the information you needed even if it's little.

"Since we have 3 months, I will spend 1 week each for all of you so not only do I know you better but you will also know me better. Then, I will choose."

Heart Of Gold (Stray Kids X Reader) (On Hiatus) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin