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I was in a dark... Room? I believe it's a room. It seemed like a room, if I were outside there'd be light and wind or something, right? Right, I assured myself. I was sitting, and couldn't really move, it was like someone had glued my ass to the fricken ground! It was cold in here too. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself.

The first sign of noise made me jump, it seems like it'd been a while since I heard anything. It was quiet and faint at first but I heard sloshing, like when you ring out a soaked sponge. It grew louder with every second, and so did the brightness, the area got lighter... Eventually, it was bright enough to see what was around me. Tons of kids ages 4-13 surrounded me looking at me with their heads cocked to the sides. But these kids weren't usual, some were missing limbs, their clothes were torn and dirty. One kid had knives all over, the kids had their mouth stitched.When they walked their shoes sloshed like they were soaked in something, "Probably in blood since your surrounded in it..." I thought to myself. The kids were still looking at me with such intensity I squirmed in place the best I could. 

I hear a creepy winding noise, then the tune to Pop! Goes The Weasel! Then I hear it, that insane laughter. The kids did too, they charged towards me. I didn't make a sound until I felt something sharp in my throat, then being dragged along when finally blood came. I screamed... The kids faded away.

I shot awake.

"Nice dream, Kiddo...?" Asked a fading creepy sinister cackle. I snapped up into a sitting position and frantically looked around my apartment, nothing, or no one. Damn. Did I dream of Laughing Jack or something? Or was he really here, and he plans to kill me at some point in the future? Cool. 

I sigh and look over the counter and at the clock on the stove, 11:30. I have a love/hate relationship with weekends. I'm bored as fuck, but no work or school. I do have to buy food so I don't die though. 

"Ugh..." I groaned. I got up and glared at my fridge. 

"I almost hate you," I growled and opened it. All was in there was an almost empty gallon of milk and rotting grapes. "Sigh," I sighed. I moved to the cupboards and opened them as well, an empty box of Cheez-It's, two boxes of mac and cheese, and a spoon...? Don't know where that spoon came from. 

I got dressed and left the place. The walk to the store was short, thank god for that. I hate any physical exercise, the very mention of it makes me wanna, not move. Like when someone tells you to not look but that rebel inside you makes you look anyway, then nine out of ten times you regret it, well that's me with exercise. I'm the one out of ten.

At the store, I grabbed a basket and grabbed a gallon of 1% milk, a box of Cheez-It's and a few boxes of mac, a thing of butter, and cheese and a bag of candy. I love candy... Hmm... Candy... Candy... Candy. Candy, never gets old, ever. If I could eat candy for the rest of my and be somewhat healthy, I so would! With candy still in my mind, I paid and left the store. Could you marry candy? That'd be cool.

 The people around me gave me looks probably wondering, "why the hell is that chick smiling like a fricken psychopath?" My face dropped instantly, and I focused not running into anyone.

My mind was racing a million miles an hour like usual with absurd thoughts, like marrying the godlike human known as Andy Biersack. Or how a bag of candy would sign the marriage license. This is how I amuse myself... I unlocked my apartment door, closed it, took the groceries to the kitchen, and put them away. When I realized something was off.

I looked around the kitchen, that was fine. I looked over the counter and realized what was wrong. My bed was against the wall by the window, standing up about to fall, like someone picked it up and threw it, and my couch was where my bed use to be. But my T.V. was left alone. 

"How- Wha- D- Ugh!" I exclaimed. I pushed the couch back to where it was before. I am grateful that I didn't have a bed frame because I don't know whether that'd be over there too. "Now, how the fuck did someone get in here and do this? And why? I mean they didn't take anything..." I pondered to myself out loud.

I heard that dark and sinister laugh from my dream right behind me and turned around quickly, my heart pounding. Expecting someone to be there I readied myself to fight, even though I knew my weak arms and legs could only harm myself somehow, plus my five footed-ness doesn't help. But there was no one there, not even a sign that I wasn't alone. Still, in the state of confusion and curiosity, I moved the bed carefully back to the usual spot.


It's been two weeks and things have been normal... Well, my normal. Besides the dream, that keeps coming back. It could be every night for a few days or skip a day or two, then pick back up again, leaving me not being able to expect. And I hated that. One of the unfortunate things I got from my mom, along with many others. But the more I had the dream, the more I found comfort in it, like how a small child finds comfort in their mother when they scrape their knee. Well maybe not exactly like that, I just got used to the sick dream quickly. The wait was killing me. 

"When are you gonna kill me?" I asked one day out loud in my apartment. 

"When you start being scared, or at least paranoid! You're killing me Em'! How am I supposed to have fun, if I don't get thrilled of the screaming, and begging!" Exclaimed an annoyed voice across the room from me, near the fire escape. I look up to see Laughing Jack and smirked. "Wha- Whats so amusing, Kiddo?" He asked darkly, trying to sound threatening I assume.

 "Well, I've been waiting for you to kill me, but you haven't just 'cause the weasel won't play with the monkey, the way the monkey wants it to?" I asked. 

He smirked, obviously catching on to my little pun, "And the candy." I got up and moved across the room and attempted to get into his face, but he was like two feet taller. "The fuck is wrong with you! How fucking dare you take my damn candy!" I seethed. He laughed, that awful laugh. It was kind of contagious, to be honest, so I ended up laughing too.

I then remembered my candy and swatted him in the swirly nose. He didn't seem to like that. His eyes went from sinister and sneaky, to sinister and deadly. My skin jumped in excitement. I began thinking of ways he could kill me. I then scolded myself for thinking such a horrible thought, even though I couldn't stop myself from imagining the ways he'd kill me. The next thing I knew, I was on my bed, and Jack was looking down at me. 

I smiled, "Hello!" And waved at him. He gave me an odd look. 

"Your one strange human.." 

"Says the deranged clown who plans on killing me," I retorted sarcastically. He glares at me, but he lifts one of his nails and digs it into my arm, not too far but a good half inch or so drawing blood. He dragged it down slowly looking me dead in the eye.

I jump at the first sign of pain, but then I laugh, a good hardy laugh at that. 

He growled, "You're laughing.." 

"He-he, I kno-... ow- ha-ha!" I say in between cackles. He glares at me one last time before leaving in a thin sheet of dark smoke. 


1371 words. 

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