The Caterpillars in my Stomach Have Now Turned into Butterflys

Start from the beginning

"Why are you up so early?" he mumbled to me with his eyes squeezed shut. I flinched, thinking that he had caught me breathing in his cologne.

"Good question," I replied, turning my head so my cheek was now resting on his chest. Try not to be tempted to nose his shirt again.

All I got in return was a groan followed by Miles's face being buried in my hair. I froze at the feeling of more of his body touching mine. His nose was pressed in to my probably disgusting hair, and I prayed to God that he wouldn't say anything about how greasy it is.

"Why does your hair smell so good?" he asked from his current position on top of my head.

Why is everything you do so freaking cute?

"I do wash it," I answered instead of asking my previous thought.

"With what?"

"You're very curious in the morning."

"I can't help it. The wonderful scent of your hair is making me ask stupid questions."

I think I mentally died inside.

"It's Citrus Flower."

"Will you please keep using it?"

"Well, I wasn't planning on throwing away the almost full bottle."

"Good," he sighed in to my hair.

I couldn't help but grin at the ridiculous things that were leaving his mouth. He wasn't holding anything back.

"You also say whatever is on your mind in the morning, too."

"So I've been told."

I was getting tired of laying down and getting a headache with all the blood rushing to my head. This moment was not something I wanted to stop, but I didn't really want a headache. Pushing my arms down on the mattress, I began to get up to hop off the bed. Before I could get very far, two arms again encircled my waist, dragging me backwards.

"Don't leave," Miles complained. I was sitting up in the bed while Miles was still sprawled on the sheets with his arms locked around my hips. I did my best to keep my breathing under control at the very interesting position that we were currently in. I could just lay back down and cuddle more in to his chest. I wouldn't mind that in the least bit.

Before going back to the nice warmth that was tugging me back down, I glanced over at the clock causing my jaw to almost hit the floor.

"It's 10:24!" I yelped, squirming around in his tight hold.

"So? We don't have practice."

"We missed breakfast, and maybe we missed something that the rest of the team planned. We've just been laying in bed," I squealed.

We've been laying in bed. That sounds so bad.

"I can get us breakfast. Everyone is still probably asleep, and there is nothing wrong with laying around in bed for awhile." He said the last part with a slow smile that made my heart flutter just a little bit.

"Let's go see if anyone is here," I said pulling on his hand to get up.

He stayed put and face planted in to a pillow. Not feeling like waiting for his lazy ass to get up, I crawled off the bed and headed for my dresser.

Luckily last night, I had woken up about an hour after falling asleep and changed in to a t-shirt and running shorts. Sleeping in sweaty baseball clothes was not on my agenda.

I yanked open the drawers, hunting for my Nationals sweatshirt. Every drawer that was opened did not hold my beloved sweatshirt.

"Miles, have you seen my sweatshirt?" I asked, turning around to face him.

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