Sakura was asked to keep her knowledge of knowing her brother—Kusanagi—is in the Red Clan a secret from her parents as a promise from Kusanagi himself in exchange for explaining the existence of the Clans and Strains and their stories.

Amaro and Sakura now knew what Kaiyo's healing abilities were. The yellowish-green coloured aura that will cover over her hands whenever she healed someone. They promised not to tell anyone as not many people knew she was a Strain.

Sakura opened her mouth to ask something before she stopped and pointed to her right hand. "Your right hand is bandaged?"

"Ah." Her question brought Kaiyo from her thoughts. Kaiyo lifted her right hand. It was bandaged from her knuckles to her wrist. "Well... I kind injured my hand a bit when I was moving furniture around the house and it's currently feeling sore. So, I bandaged it to support the aching muscles."

Sakura stared at her friend's hand. There was a slight frown on it as she stepped forward and grasped her hand in her own ones to inspect the wrapping. She then lightly squeezed the hand.

Kaiyo pulled her hand back almost immediately. "What are you trying to do to an injured person's hand?" She cradled her right hand to her chest, sending Sakura a look of wariness and fake hurt.

Sakura stared at her face for a while longer before shaking her head. "Sorry, my bad." She smiled. "Anyways, are we going to the mall right this instance?" Sakura asked.

Kaiyo nodded her head.

"The mall?" Amaro came over at that moment. "How come?"

Kaiyo's mouth formed an 'o' before she answered him. "I asked her to help me with something."

"And what is that something?"

"Girls' shopping time!" Sakura responded sweetly.

Amaro gave a stink eye towards his female friends. "Tsk... Girls."

Sakura giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

Just then, two people appeared from the classroom's door and approached the three of them.

"I knew you were still here Sakomoto-senpai."

Kaiyo's eyes blinked once before she turned her head to the side. Her eyes met with brown ones. She then looked to the person by his side.

"Yukimura-san? Koyou-san?"

The male smiled widely and nodded his head. Koyou waved her hand in a greeting.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We came here to remind you about the party we will be having later in the evening. You weren't answering the texts, so we came over personally."

Kaiyo blinked once again before pulling out her phone from her bag. She then saw the number of text messages on her lock screen.

"Ah, apologise. I haven't been paying attention to my phone for the day."

Yukimura, "Will you be coming, Senpai?"

A smile graced her face and she looked back at Yukimura. "Of course. I will be there. The two of you and the juniors will come and chide me if I were not to appear."

"That's great!!" Koyou was happy. Yukimura and Koyou were each the upcoming Captain and Vice-Captain for the kendo club respectively. They were the ones who took most of the parts of planning this party. It would be sad if one of the main players—graduating members—weren't there to celebrate with the rest of the club members.

"Where will the location be though?" Kaiyo asked for a confirmation since she was told the location would be shared with them on the day itself.

Yukimura grinned. "It's a farewell party and like Instructor said, to part ways with a proper and admirable farewell, that will be the best for all!"

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