In the animated world

Start from the beginning

Y/N ran out of breath as she reached near them. Kiara and Julia chuckled. "You shouldn't run in the library!" Julia mimicked the librarian as Kiara laughed. "It is what the librarian would've said." Kiara said.

"I have something more important than your stupid talks." Y/N said gesturing to the book in her hands. It caught the attention of the other two girls.

"Looks enchanted!" Kiara said. "Where did you even find this?....I haven't seen it before." Julia said looking at the book with excitement.

"I also didn't see this ever before and today it just fell on my head. Let's read this...." Y/N said. Kiara and Julia nodded.

Kiara and Julia stood up. Y/N put the book on the nearby table as the 3 girls had surrounded it.

Julia opened the first page. Only a single sentence was written there which was read by Y/N:

"Name a place in the animated world where you would want to go :)"

"THE ENCHANTED FOREST FROM FROZEN 2!!" Three of them said at the same time. Then the blue cloud surrounded them as they weren't able to see anything.  It also made them cough.

~after 5 mins~

The 3 girls woke up at the same time with a very bad headache. They were able to discover that they were laying on grass. They quickly sat up holding their hand.

They looked at each other and gasped. "Julia, your dress!"
"Kiara, your dress!"
"Y/N, your dress!" Three of them exclaimed at the same time.

"Where are we?" Julia asked. "It looks like......." Y/N started but the 3 of them finished the sentence, "THE ENCHANTED FOREST!!" They squealed.

Y/N looked around her and saw the book laying on the grass near her. She quickly grabbed it.

"Was it because of this?" Y/N said couldn't believe whag is happening. "Looks like it." Julia said.

"So it means-" Kiara said but was cut off by a voice familiar to the girls. "Are you guys okay?" They looked at the direction from which the sound was coming.

They gasped as they couldn't believe their eyes. 'Cause Elsa......I MEAN THE ELSA was standing right in front of them!

They rubbed their eyes as they couldn't believe what's happening.

"Who are the way?" Elsa asked calmly. The girls stood up. "Oh this is Kiara, Y/N and I am Julia......and are you Elsa?!?!?!" Julia asked shocked.

"Yes, I am....but how did you know my name?" Elsa asked chuckling. "Oh...we just knew..." Kiara said smiling.

(A/N: The girls are now wearing the dress of that the dress code of Arendelle and not their school uniform.)

"I just can't believe this is happening! "Y/N exclaimed as Elsa couldn't understand what she was talking about. "Please pinch me to know that this isn't just a dream." Y/N said with her mouth slightly open. Julia pinched her. "Hey!! Ouch that hurts!" Y/N said rubbing the part that was pinched.

Julia shrugged like to tell 'You aksed for it'. Kiara just chuckled. "Where are you guys from and why were you lying there?" Elsa asked politely.

"We're from......reallyyyyyyyy far....." Julia said. "And how we got here? It's a long story." Y/N shrugged. Elsa smiled.

"Elsa, we actually have some-many- things to talk and ask to you but can you lend us a second?" Y/N asked. Elsa smiled and nodded.

The 3 girls took some steps backward and formed a circle like the cricket teams. "What now?" Kiara asked.

"So......After we opened the book. And wished to get here....we're here and it is NOT a dream!" Y/N said happily. "So?" Julia asked confused.

"So we can go anywhere in the animated world. So how about we do the 'thing' we have always planned with the help of this book?" Y/N said with a smirk.

The other two understood what she was talking about. They gave each other a 'Let's do this' look and went back to Elsa.

"So Elsa have you ever heard about Jack Frost?" Julia asked Elsa acting innocently but the other girls knew she wasn't innocent.

Elsa spoke, "Jack Frost? I-"

Author's note:

Cliffhanger...... *blinking eyes several time to show that I am innocent*

So basically, the characters here are:

Y/N means 'Your name' yes you're in the story...enjoy but if you're already in the story....just think it of someone else, (for Julsy) ;)

Julia is julia061019

And Kiara is me...I know my name is Puja but Kiara is my nickname and it has a long story behind it....

So yeah, part 2 will b out soon and the next chapter of this book will be steamy *smirks*

Jelsa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now