P O S T F I F T Y - E I G H T

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Harry is in bold
Jade is in italics
The interviewer is normal


Holly: Hiya guys welcome to the interview how are you?

Harry: we're good thank you

Jade: Good now we're finally explaining everything

Holly: Who wants to explain?

Jade: I will

Holly: Okay go ahead

Jade: So 4 months ago we were flown to Los Angeles to meet with Simon. He told us that he wanted us to have a staged relationship but we have to make it seem real to everyone and it would only be him who knew.

Holly: alright

Harry: we told Simon that we had to tell our friends as they'd get concerned. He said we could tell everyone except Niall as he may do something that would get us even more attention.

Holly: the Barbara situation?

Jade: yep that's what happened, after that happened we told Niall what was going on but we didn't tell Simon. Niall understood although was upset that we didn't tell him

Holly: how come you and Niall are getting seemingly closer especially in France ?

Jade: Niall is an amazing person and I decided to forgive him for cheating on me so I started talking to him and we decided to give it another chance and he asked me to be his girlfriend in Disneyland.

Holly: So you and Niall are together ?

Jade: yes we are. Although it's still very early days

Holly: so Harry, how come you weren't in Disney with them?

Harry: Well you all know where I was, i was on a trip with Kendall having an amazing time

Holly: Is there anything going on with you and Kendall?

Harry: It's early days she's a good friend of mine.

Holly: right okay, so that wasn't publicity?

Harry: no it wasn't, we're good friends

Holly: Does Simon know you're doing this, has your contract ended?

Jade: we broke the contract.  He is angry that we're sitting this interview today but it's our life

Harry; We couldn't take it any more

Holly: There is no hard feelings between you two then, you didn't gain any feelings towards each other?

Harry; She's with Niall so it's self explanatory

not what it seems... Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat