the phone call | overhaul

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pairing: overhaul x fem!reader

warnings: stockholm syndrome, mention of death/blood, toxic relationship, mental abuse

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The putrid stench of blood and death filled your nostrils and caused your eyes to water. Your ears were ringing in response to all of the noise, the surroundings slowly fading away. Eyes dilated, you could barely even see anymore with all the dust and fog clouding your vision. Stumbling around, throwing your body against the nearest surface finally helped you balance yourself to gauge the situation around you.


Frantically looking around, your brain tried to process where your name was being called from. Amidst all of the chaos around you, the powerful voice of Overhaul could still be heard, yearning for you. Feeling someone grab you by the arm, you come face to face with a complete stranger. He was lightly touching your face, running his fingers over the various bruises you've gained since the surprise attack happened. Cringing at his touch, you screamed for Overhaul, your sounds ultimately being drowned out. You couldn't process your own screams as you were being dragged away. The last thing in your vision before passing out is Overhaul, escaping from their clutches.

Your eyes flew open, a cold sweat running down your body as you looked around anxiously. Sitting up against the headboard, you tried to regulate your breathing to calm yourself down.

Those eyes won't stop haunting you. Thoughts swam around your head, making the pressure in your chest even heavier. Even after everything that happened, you couldn't stop thinking about him. You were finally back home, back where you wanted to be months why were you in so much pain?

Something has been off with you ever since that day. You woke up in a hospital, getting checked out for possible injuries that could've been inflicted on you in the months that you disappeared. After discovering (to their surprise) that nothing was done to you, they finally let you go home to your family. Before leaving, you were warned that Overhaul hasn't yet been captured.

"If he ever tries to contact you, you must inform someone. We don't want him roaming around, hurting any more people."

You haven't been home in months yet, you can't remember evermissing it. Overhaul filled that void that you needed to feel like home was wherever he was. He groomed you to believe that he was the only person you'll ever need, and now he was snatched away from you.

"No one will ever love you like I do."

"Do you really think that anyone cares about you?! You've been separated from your family for months now. If they really cared, wouldn't you think they would've found you?"

"You can't live without me. You can barely take care of yourself without my help. If you try to escape, you're as good as dead."

Those words played over and over again in your head. He constantly repeated that to you, causing your mind to deteriorate and believe that you were nothing to anybody.

Nobody cared about you the way he did.


Everyone around you was pretending that everything was normal in hopes of calming you. All you constantly received were awkward hugs and pitiful looks. How were you being expected to just go back to your old life like nothing happened?! You felt like he was still controlling you, even though he was nowhere to be found. He completely changed your life, in the best and worst ways.

You couldn't help but desperately miss him. You recalled all the times he got you things, in hopes to make you feel better. He always showed a softer side to him around you, never once threatening you unless absolutely necessary. As the months went on you fell for him harder and harder. The once everlasting hope that you'll somehow get saved by heroes burning out as you lost the want to leave. He made you feel things that you've never experienced, using fear to plant seeds into your head until you couldn't think for yourself.


Another day passed and another night arrived, you lying wide awake staring through the darkness. Your phone rang, an unknown number popping up on the screen. Curiosity taking its course, you picked up to hear an unexpected surprise.


Your blood ran cold at the sound of the man on the line. The way your name came smoothly off his tongue shocked you still. Hands shaking, you take a deep breath before responding.

"C-Chisaki?! How did you find my~"

"That's not important right now. I need you to listen very carefully right now."

He didn't sound like himself at all. His usual calm demeanor changed into nervousness as he tried to get your attention through the phone. The urgency in his voice was apparent.

"What?! Do you even know what time it is right now? Aren't you on the run?! You can't just call me like this and expect me to do whatever you say."

"It's 2am, I know that, but I need you to pay attention. You need to leave, right now. I've already set a plan in place to meet at~"

"I'm sorry, but I can't go to you anymore, you know that." You blinked away tears as you said these words, knowing that you had to let go of him. The line was quiet, knowing that he was calculating how to respond.

"Y/n. You're making a mistake. Think about everything I've done for you. You were nothing and are nothing without me. Don't do something you'll regret later." Overhaul's words cut you deep, just like they always have. You were never able to stand up for yourself, afraid of what would happen to you if he did. Images of him tugging his white gloves, silently threatening you if you were to disobey his orders. Finally building up the courage, you responded, your voice only a whisper.

"Goodbye, Chisaki. Please don't contact me again." You quickly hung up after that. With your head in your hands, you sobbed, chest heaving as you finally let the tears fall.

No matter what, you couldn't shake the feelings you have for him. He broke you down to the point where you don't even know yourself anymore. In the moment, the horrible person he was never matter to you. You felt like he was still dragging you down. In the end, you knew that you could never mention that call to the police. He will always be in control of matter how far away he is.

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