Chapter 12

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Oh my god MarMar is having her baby. I yell for Maura and tell her that MarMar is in labor and we need to get her to the hospital.

We both get her into my car and we go to the nearest hospital. We go into the emergency ward and yell "this woman is in labor"

Doctors and nurses rush to get to her and they take her to maternity ward. We get to go into the room because we are her family. Well maura isn't but we just tell them that she is because she is practically family.

She starts to have her baby. It is a beautiful little girl, it looks exactly how MarMar looked when she was born. I hold her and then I look at MarMar, she is smiling. Then hr smile fades and she wispers " Take care of Miley for me."

Then the monitor that is hooked to her heart goes into a straight line.

Oh my god, MarMar just died after birth. She is only 18. She had a baby. She had a whole life ahead if her. A tear slips down my face.

I found her and now she gone. I am gonna take care of this baby for her. It is the one thing she asked me to do for her baby. I am gonna fulfil that wish. Even if I have to die for it.

I whisper "MarMar I will take care of her, even if it the last thing I do. I love you"

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