Chapter 1

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I hate when I wake up in the morning with someone yelling at me to get up. But, against my wishes, that does happen every morning. My dad always yells "Bella, get your but up or your gonna miss the bus!" But i always do the same routine every morning, to be truthful it gets boring. But today at school it is a Friday(The best day of the week for multiple reasons.)

I am getting anxious for tomorrow though. My sister Margret (we can her MarMar), my mom, my dad, and I are going to Hawaii for a "relaxation from everyday life". For some reason they don't like calling it a vacation. 

 Anyway i get dressed in a sparkly tank-top with a black leather jacket, leggings, and comfy tennis shoes. Then get on the bus. I sit with my best friend Maura on the bus. She has black hair with red at the end. She is hilarious and is like my girl soulmate(in a best friend way). Oh and she is also going to Hawaii with me and my family.

We arrive at school and we go and hang out with more of our friends. We have Autumn, Marie, Beatrice, and Emmett. Autumn is the funny one. Marie is the nerd. Beatrice is the dare-devil. Emmett is the "leader" of the group. He is also hillarious, like Autumn. But Maura and I are the ONLY normal ones. Oh and Maura has a boyfriend named Tyler. He is very sweet!

As we all stand in a circle the bell rang and we went to off to class.

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