chapter two

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The room had a double decker and another single bed.I could clearly see the single bed belonged to Gabs.

I dropped my myself on my bed and growled like an animal,i was tired,i hadn't slept the previous night.

Will i be able to endure it here or i will mess up like always.

I always end up alone anyway so it won't matter,i will just stay and see how things turn out,but if they become unbearable i will definitely leave and this time they won't find me i will.....

"Rose!Rose!Anna's voice again!! Why won't she let be just a minute leave me alone.

Am not interested in making friends no thanks, am fine by my on.

Arrrrgh!!!! She is so annoying know wonder her sister doesn't hang with her.

I lazily turn to look at her .She starts bubbling some random things which i can't make out since i am not interested.

I must have fallen asleep because when i get up from the bed its' dark outside and the room is full .

Gab's friends are all in the room  two boys and one girl.I later find out Gabs and Anna are twins though they don't look alike.

"Hey,were about to go grab supper you coming,it was one of the boys."Am Nico and that is Omar and Amani,he says looking in his friends direction.

I just nod my head and get up to follow them to the cafeteria.

It is already full, all heads turn to look in our direction as we are last to enter and probably they are the popular kids around here.

Still i hate when people stare at me so i just keeping walking with my head held high to show an not intimidated by them.Fuck rich kids.

Not that am complaining much...Fuck am complaining i didn't ask for this.

I must have not been paying attention as i hit a wall and fall on my butt.When i look up it is not a wall actually it is someone's chest.

I expect him to give me hand but he just spats words at me,"watch where you are going mutt."

Ooh boy! I hate his attitude.Just as am about to give him my piece of mind,Nico jumps in and stood infront of me facing him and told him to fuck off.

The 'chest wall guy'i still don't know his name so this will siut him,gives Nico the 'it's not over face' then walks away.

"Show is over everybody back to your business",Amani shouts

I get my supper and sit with them .Anna comes to sit with is too which looks weird to me as i see they don't get along with her sister's friends well.

We get to know each but i don't let my walls down i come with a fake story that i came here since my parents died in a road accident i couldn't stay at home alone.

I think that got everybody's attention at the table as they all stop eating and start how sorry they are.

After supper we all went to  our rooms and i unpacked .i think Babs and i will get along well since we have some common manners.

I remember during supper  Omar would tease us saying we were siblings due to some resemblance.

We both had green eyes just like Anna too,but we have never met plus there is always someone out there you is your look-alike .

"Goodnight guys,"Anna's jovial voice echos in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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