"I'm not. You're a part of the team. Three of those wins were because of you. You have as much of a right to be there as the rest of them. If you aren't, then we'll bring the party to you."

"Why don't you just sneak out," Cam asked. "It never stopped you before."

"The wicked witch has decided to better my brainwashing, new rules were needed. Like my bedroom door being open."

When I changed it could be closed for obvious reasons. Otherwise, the door wasn't allowed to be shut. There must be an inch between the cheap wood and the frame. This allowed my hovering mother access to confirm I was where I should be, while she pretended to give me my privacy. Another rule was Finn couldn't leave any of the common spaces. None of the guys were. And they weren't allowed to stay over anymore. My father, who didn't seem to care before, practically told me to suck it up as he packed for another trip.

I don't he realized how strained things were now that she had returned. We were doing fine without her. My family, what little that meant, was just fine without her. Lucas had done everything he could to be the best of both of my parents. He'd come home from practices looking exhausted, drop his bag and be right by my side to check how my homework was coming along. I'd ask him for help on tougher problems while he made dinner. We would work together after to clean up then he'd make sure I got to bed at a reasonable time.

One night, I couldn't sleep and slipped out of my room in search of Lucas. He was hunched over the kitchen table. All his textbooks stacked up as he swapped one for another. He was scribbling on some paper, rubbing the top of his head as he worked out the problem in front of him. I kept out of sight in the dark hallway. I don't remember falling asleep there, but I do remember waking up tucked into my own bed. Even when he was juggling so much he had time to take care of me.

I think that's why I kept to myself for so long. If I didn't cause too much trouble then he wouldn't have to worry. If he didn't have to worry about me then he wouldn't have to stretch himself any thinner. He should be focusing on an athletic or academic scholarship so that he could get into a good college. I didn't want to be the little sister who became a burden. So, I proved that I could handle myself and he let it go for a while. Then I was cutting class and suddenly he was all over me again.

Up until that point we had a system that didn't require my parents. Least of all the woman who abandoned us. It was bad enough when Dad was in town for a long period of time. Now there was this woman who didn't seem to see that we were grown now. Lucas was already eighteen and I would be in less than a year. If she wanted to be a mother, she should have stuck around when we actually needed her.

Cam got to his feet and gave me a smile that made me forget about why I had bothered them to begin with. Almost. Heather was at my side when Cam and I stood. Joseph wouldn't be far away. Neither would Finn or Shane. If my brother was finished with whatever had caused him to come in early, he would have joined them by now. I took a deep breath and, without looking at the cluster of guys, I went straight for my locker.

As I expected, they avoided the tag team tactic this time and only sent a single sacrifice. He sighed my name and clumped against the lockers beside mine. My eyes narrowed on him, the threat in my eyes. The silent challenge for him to try again made him hesitate.

"If you piss off your parents now, they might not let you try out next year." His fingers combed through his copper hair. He was refusing to cut it until after the state championship. As much as I teased him for it, I loved the shaggy hair.

"I hate this. I'm finally a part of something, which you all forced me into, and now I can't reap the benefits. It's bullshit and you know it."

"You would be there if it was up to me."

"And just who do I have to thank for the short leash?" Those green eyes darkened as the frown hardened into place. I shook my furiously, a headache starting from the action. "He wouldn't do this. He knows how much this team has come to mean to me."

"What part of you being unconscious scared the hell out of us don't you understand?" He sighed again. His arms crossed over his chest as he dropped his head back to land against the wall of metal doors. "Shane convinced him that having Coach shut you down next year would be the worst thing he could do. To the team, and to you. Be thankful for that and stay home tomorrow night."

"I didn't want any of this, remember? I told you all that it was stupid and that I didn't want to be one your stupid ass team. I was happy in the bleachers cheering you on."

"Then you went to a party where you kissed your fucking ex." He growled, shutting me up. This wasn't about Jasper and he was about to make it. It had been months since we ran into him at the fest and I made that mistake. I came clean though. I hadn't hid it from him, or lied about where I had been. Choosing now to bring that up was low. Lower than Shane's ever gone to make a point. "Pretty hard to forget a day like that one."

"I'm not fighting with you about that. Or this. I'm going tomorrow night."

"You can't go if you don't have a ride."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Haven't you been threatening me all morning." I slammed my locker shut and glared at him. "Stay home, Blaine. Please?"

"You were supposed to be on my side," I whispered. The last thing I needed was for my voice to crack. Especially since I knew he could see my eyes starting to well up. He was still processing the dig when I brushed past him for my first class.


Heather was taking time off from her relationship to reclaim being my partner in crime for the night. She was the only one allowed in my room. My mother poked her head in every few minutes. She would ask if we needed something to drink or eat each time. She didn't bother hiding the awkward repeated questions. In the politest rude tone that only Heather had mastered, my friend commented that we were capable of helping ourselves.

"So, are you going to see about staying over tonight," Heather asked loud enough for my eavesdropping mother to hear. Clearly my friend was already tired of the Lester prison warden.

"I wish I could."

"But I really need your help getting ready for tomorrow. If I fail this chemistry test, I'm going to have to repeat the class next year." Her tone didn't match the bored eye roll as she flipped through the magazine tucked in her Algebra book. "Please, Lainey? I have to pass this class."

"How is the homework going girls," my mother chirped without knocking. The door eased open to the point where the dresser had to stop it.

"Aweful," Heather pouted. She shut the book, trapping the magazine between the pages. "I completely forgot my chem notes at home, because I've been studying before I came by here. I wanted Blaine to come over and help me study. If it got too late she could stay over."

"Sounds like a very important test." Heather blinked a few times, fighting the urge to point out that she had told my mother it was a test she was studying for.

"I could really use Blaine's bossiness to stay focused, and I would feel silly showing up at home only to come back here. Do you mind if she came home with me?"

"Of course," the woman in the doorway nodded. The sweet smile hadn't fooled either of us as she added, "Have her home by ten."

"I'll try, but it's the unit test. There is a lot of material. We might not get done until well after that." My mother sighed as she considered letting me out of my cell for more than a few hours. "If you want you can call my mom to make sure Blaine is welcome. She'd be happy to hear you've moved back."

The ashamed look on my mother's face let us both know Heather won this round. With a hesitant nod, my mother finally gave her permission. She was quick to add that I better be in class in the morning. She hadn't taken more than two steps down the hall before I was dragging my already packed bag from under the foot of my bed.

"That lady has some serious issues," Heather groaned as she started her car. "She makes Harley Quinn look sane."

What happened inside was nothing compared to other days. This was just scratching the surface of the crazy waiting beneath. My goal was to avoid finding out how far she would be willing to go if she was pushed too far. If she found out about our little stunt, I would be seeing the crazy in a matter of days.

The Rules | ✅ CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora