"Get comfortable, Lainey."

"Will you come back?"

"You'll have to wait until the morning," he teased. Urging me farther back onto the bed, he pulled back the covers. I wanted him to stay. The need to wrap myself around him and fall asleep to the sweet cinnamon scent tickling my nose. The strong arms I had missed holding me as I wake. There was no point in fixing things to only keep a distance. As my muddled brain tried to put all the words out there, he kissed my cheek and backed out of the room.


"Lainey," the deep voice prodded. A warm breath tickled the crook of my neck. "We're going to Dillon's for food."

"Sleep," I groaned, rolling onto my back. Blinking away the sleep and agitation, I saw the clearest emerald eyes staring at me. "Finn."

"You've got to get moving. There's a pick up game after lunch and you have been nominated as a captain."

"Can't we skip?" Shifting to lay on my side, I let my hand rest on his chest. "It's been too long since we've had five minutes to ourselves."

"Luke made it clear we won't be getting five minutes for a while. He's determined to ruin all the chances we might get, too."

"Hypocrite." Sitting up, Finn took my hand and pulled me up to mirror his position. "Can I be a captain and not participate?"

"You'll change your mind after you get some food in you. So, get changed and meet us down stairs." My eyes narrowed into a lethal glare that had no effect on him. The grin grew wider and contained the happiness we both had been missing.

After slipping on a pair of cut off shorts, a black tank and a flannel, I made my way downstairs. It was no surprise that Heather was sitting on Joseph's lap when I entered the kitchen. Was becoming part of the group just as I had. No longer the outcast, but a full fledged member. She was whispering something to him when she caught sight of me and stopped.

"Good morning, Drunkerella." My eyes narrowed on her. Shaking it off, I glanced around the room. Lifting a finger, Joseph pointed down the hall only to have Heather slap it down.

"What's going on now," I groaned, rubbing my temples.

"They're just making their brotherly presence known." The linebacker snorted as his girlfriend rolled her eyes. I didn't wait for the poorly thought out diversion to kick in, and headed down the hall. Voices coming from the den kept my feet moving past the office and another room. I stopped shy of the door way and listened.

"You can't be serious," Finn hissed. "You don't get to make that call."

"The hell we do," my brother barked back.

"What Luke means is that it just isn't a good time to be starting things back up. A lot of shit hit the fan, man. The fact that she's willing to take you back after how you treated her has us worried. Not just about her, but you too."

"I can respect your concern, but it's our business. You don't get a say in how we handle our relationship. Blaine is the only who can determine what happens next. If she wants to ease back into a friendship first that's fine by me. I'm not going to push her into anything she isn't ready for. I never have."

"She's my sister which means I do get a say. You are going to keep a safe distance until I believe that you aren't low enough to hurt her again."

"Because you're the poster child for considering people's feelings?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"A few weeks ago we were the ones holding an intervention for your stupid ass. You didn't even know you were hurting her. At least I knew what I did before she hit me. I regretted it as soon as it happened."

The room fell silent. No doubt my brother was fuming and pacing furiously. Just as I took a step toward the entrance, a body cut me off and grabbed my arm. The shaggy blonde hair of Shane hid the top of his eyes as he looked down at me. A disapproving shake of his head as he hauled me back to the kitchen.

"You two are shitty look outs," Shane grumbled to the pair sucking face. Joseph groaned in disappointment when Heather pulled away. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she glared at Shane.

"Do your own dirty work," she spat. Joseph pinched her leg and her glare snapped to him. "You didn't seem to have a problem with it a minute ago."

"Finn's right. We need food." I yanked my arm free from my sudo brother. "Get them before they do damage. I'll be outside."

Lucas and his stupid protectivness. He hadn't seemed to care what happened after I hit Finn. There were no questions or heartfelt conversation about how I was feeling. Doing the only thing he knew how to, he avoided the depressing topic. Go figure he could talk to Finn about it. Laying out new rules and threats with no rights. Finn was right. This was between the two of us.

I hadn't had time, or the ability, to think about what was to come last night. The farthest I had gotten was the overwhelming joy of knowing we were back to normal. It might only be on the surface, but it was a start. Maybe starting over as friends was a good idea. Missing out on his kisses and his strong arms wrapped around me would drive me mad. We would need to talk before we just dove back into things.

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