"You're staring," Keegan whispered. Flicking my gaze to him I sighed. "Go talk to him."

"So he can insult me some more. I don't think so."

"Lester's are stubborn," Joseph piped in. Heather poked his forehead, telling him butt out. "They are. Besides, you love birds aren't helping matters."

"Love birds," Keegan snorted. "First Shane, and now you?"

"What did Shane do," I asked.

"He cornered me after practice a few days ago. Something about us flaunting our budding relationship is rude." It was my turn to laugh.

"Why is it so hard for people to believe that people can be friends with the opposite sex? Just because you have a one track mind, doesn't mean everyone does."

"Maybe not," Joseph started. With a waggle of his brows he added, "But that track is always available in the shadows. It's basic instinct, little Laine."

"Should I warn Lucas about your pushing," I teased, narrowing my eyes. A chorus of laughter from our little group drew the attention of others nearby. Heather wiggled free from Joseph's and said she wanted to get in the water. My eyes darted to where Finn and Lucas were lounging. I could hear my friends whispering to her boyfriend, but didn't catch any of it.

Grabbing my arm, Heather used all her strength to drag me to my feet. The concrete burned the pads of my feet as I protested. The sly grin had me fighting harder against her hold. Looking back to Joseph and Keegan, they gave little shrugs and smirks of their own. Clearly they were in on whatever Heather had planned. Spinning us around, she took hold of my hands and tilted her head.

"Remember that you love me," she giggled. My eyes went wide as her hands released me then pushed at my shoulders. My body lurched back and I lost my footing along the lip of the pool. The threats I spat at her were cut off as the crisp water crashed over me. The flailing of my limbs froze as I was submerged beneath the surface.

The feeling of a strong arm wrapped around my torso and pulled me into a strong chest. Fingers dug into my side as we broke through the surface. A muffled voice attempted to slip past the ringing in my ears. Questions being thrown at me as I coughed up some water.

"Laine," the voice finally came through, and my body stiffened. Calloused hands cupped my face to force my eyes to meet the dark green emeralds. Concern filled them as he let out a breath. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Instead of pushing his hand away as I planned, my fingers wrapped around his wrist. He guided me toward the steps where we both settled into place. The breath he let out was a sign of relief, yet it did nothing to ease the tension in his muscles.

"Are you sure?" His voice was low while he searched my face for the lie. "You were pretty close to the shallow end. You could have hit your head."

"Really, Finn. I'm okay."

"Lainey." Lucas appeared beside Finn. His eyes matching the worry in his friend's. Looking over my shoulder, the concern faded in anger. "What the hell was that, Heather?"

"She was looking a little flushed." If it hadn't been for those beautiful green eyes locked on mine, I would have been the one asking my friend the magical question. Instead, I was melting in his gaze. "I knew she wouldn't get in on her own."

"I'm fine," I bit out, getting to my feet. Finn's arm wrapped around my waist when my body swayed a little.

"I'll grab her a towel," Lucas growled as he climbed up the stairs. "Get her inside."

"I don't need to go inside. Really. I'll be okay." My words didn't matter. I was being led out of the water and into the cold house. Crossing my arms over my body, I tried to fight off the shiver. Soft cotton fell over my shoulders and Finn tugged it tight around me. His hands rubbed my arms, helping to shake off the sudden chill.

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