Chapter 11

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"Sweetheart?" I heard my mom as I entered the house. "Is that you?" She asked. I got closer to her so she could see a better vision of me. "Yeah, mom. It's me." I said. She came up to me and rubbed my shoulders. "So, how was the date?" She asked, with a smirk on her face. "Fine." I mumbled and pushed her hands off my shoulders. Her smirk fell off her face. "Oh. Okay, well I have great news for you." She said, putting a grin on her face instead. Sometimes she makes me angry. She didn't even ask if I was okay. "Okay?" I questioned. "You want to know what it is?" She said, sounding more excited than I am. I shrugged. She gave me a fake pout. "Oh, come on! You know your excited." No, I'm actually not. She grabbed my hand and pulled me done the only hallway that wasn't still full of boxes around it. I looked to a door that had the words: AOD (Academy of dance)  "Why does it have my dance company on it?" I asked. She laughed and opened the door. All of the sudden, Lights appeared. My face filled of suprise. I looked around and saw a dance studio. "Is this for me?" I whispered. She smiled and nodded. "You like it?" "Y-Yeah." I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thanks, Mom." I mumbled in her shoulder. She kissed the side of my cheek. "No problem, love." She said. I turned around and kept looking at this studio. Dancing means alot to me and I love that she did this but I don't need it. "Don't you think it's a bit much, though?" I questioned, having my head still turned around from her face. "Of course not!" She spat. I turned around and looked at her. "Mom, I already am up for a dance class you signed me up-" "Your not going to that dance class, actually," She said. My eyes fluttered open. "What?" I muttered. "You have your own dance studio now. You can dance here. Before school, After school, Before dinner, Weekends-" "That's practically spending all my days up." I whispered. "You need to be prepared, Laura." She told me. I frowned. "For what?" I said. "For your life. College is sooner to come and you need to get prepared if you want to go to an performing arts school." She sternly said. "Mom, There are things I want to see, you know? I want explore." I smiled at her. She smiled. "You can explore the life of Dance." She said. My smile faded away at the words that came out of her mouth. She kept smiling and squeezed my hand. "Laura, this is for your own good. There is no time for exploring. Your Life is Dancing. That's why you need to focus on your Dancing. No exploring, No Parties, and No boys." She said, softly. She gave me a fake smile and kissed my hand. She released my hand and walked off until I stopped her. "No boys? Then why did you let me go out with Daniaal?" I questioned her. She laughed. "Sweetie, We all know that this date would go bad." My mouth fell at what she said. My own mother just basically said no boy would like me.

Your Dangerous. But I love you. (Daniaal Malik)Where stories live. Discover now