When everything you remember is star getting lost...

Start from the beginning

Shes avoinding me...I need to know if shes ok..

I miss her..our over nights the nightmares..out talks...jokes..her sarcasm...heard her smile around the house..when she help me with my work in her own way...her room..I cant even stand in front of her door because I know shes not there...it hurts

Watching her smiling answering a question to brian..she looks pale..tired..even the black color of her hair in ashes without life

I do it to protect her...but im feeling that im just killing her...

Derek pov

Im in her apartment looking around founding the notes...

She really star forgetting....I said walking uptairs at her room

Sitting in her bed...her scent all around make me need her.. playing with dj looking around founding a journal in her nightstand...

Taking the journal in my hand thinking..

I dont like to do this...searching in her things but I have to know opening and reading every single page surprising myself..it was about us since the first time we meet..every details...dates...time...places...even the color of my shirt making me smile

Until I read the last page...
Forbidden forget...him...
He deserve someone better than me....

Closing the journal tensed...

I can believe myself..she thinks that im geting tired of her...

Why she can think something like that...

I would die for her I dont care about nothing else except her.

Taking my phone..sending her a message
I need to see you

Sending and wait...

Standing front her bed  leaving the journal in her nightstand and dj on the floor walking downstairs going to the last room remembering the box where she take out the album found it and take it down..

Looking inside the box there not only pictures is stuff our stuff taking in my hand a brown lace smiling shes wearing that they day I meet her in the shool hallway....

Flash back
We was walking on the hallway  going for the basketball practice
Hey derek
He throw me the ball I got it bounce the ball we are joking laughing until
we was turning in the corner founding in front of me  3 guys and a girl ..a strange girl
Hey look whos here..one of the guys said to the other
Yeah the geek girl...the other said  putting his arms at her side she can move
One of the guys throwing his book on the floor
Guys....please...she said tensed
One of then getting to closer
You think you are better than us
Pushing her falling on the floor
Hey whats going on..I said with my friend behind me
The guy look at me
Nothing dude we just talking to her
Talk....I said anger accidentally blowing the basketball ball anger
The guys scared and leave
Kneeling myself looking for her face
Are you alright
She just stand from the floor looking where the guys go
Im fine
Are you sure..I said standing up
Them she look at me those green/brown lovely eyes but with pure fear
No...she said
Let me help you..i said taking her books back
Going home..I ask her
Let me take you home
We walk at her house in silence..I was more admiring her strange color hair black with golden is obviously not paint or something...we get at her house actually the sheriff house
Your save
She look at me strange
Thank you
By the way my name is derek
she didn't answer
I hope you have a name...I said smiling insisted
She look at me so blush making me smile
Im still waiting...I said amused but already hypnotized by her eyes
Jeannie...my name is jeannie
Finally a name ..I said
She just smile a beautiful smile turning and star walking at her house
See you tomorrow
She turn looking at me thinking
See you
She said smiling closing the door behind her
Flash back ends

Finally love brings us back.... (derek hale love story) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now