Chapter 10 - Old Friends

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Eriks POV

So I finally decided on the ring. I'm going to pick the gold one. It reminds me more of the days when I was her Angel of Music. Ahhh memories. I'm so excited. I'm going to get the ring today. I will propose to her tomorrow. I'm so happy I finally get to have my Christine has my beautiful bride. I hope she will like it. I was also thinking about opening up the Opera Populair again. I think Christine will like that. As a wedding gift. Hopefully. "Christine darling I'm going to the store. Do you need anything"? I ask hoping she won't get suspicious. "No darling. I'm ok. Be safe I will see you soon."
"Ok Christine goodbye".

Christine's POV
After Erik left I went to my room and grabbed my white silk cloak Erik made for me. I was going to the cafe for lunch. I left him a note in case he got back before I did. When I arrived I noticed something amazing. I saw my old best friend Zoe. I know I had Meg but Zoe was my most wonderful friend. She's so pretty. I remember I always envied her beauty. She has long curly brown hair, her eyes are hazel but not boring hazel. They are that Hazel where they shine so bright it's rare. I loved her bubbly personality and she's so opposite of me. I think that's why we are great friends. She always wears dark colors, mostly black, but it suits her very well. My favorite thing about her if I had to pick was her sass. She would always sass Madame Giry and get away with it. I missed her so much when Erik took me away. I thought I would never see her again. She is about two years older than me. When we were in ballet together I would ask her for advice on things. She is very wise.
I went up to her little round table by a large window. She was by herself. "Zoe"? I said praying it was her.
"Yes. What can I help you with"
"Oh I don't know maybe you could help me with my Chassé?
She looked at me confused for a moment. Then she exclaims "oh Christine I've missed you. How've you been." She says with such excitement
"I've been wonderful Zoe. I met a guy and I think it's going well. Would you like to come to my house so we can catch up"?
"Oh sure. I'd love to".
She stood up have me a hug and we walked back to Erik and I's labyrinth. We talked for hours catching up. All the sudden I heard the water sloshing in the lake and the feared words "I'm back".

New cast member
Zoe Le Blanc -decaf_death

Oh my Phantom this writer decaf_death is so freaking amazing. She writes poems and they're amazing. I love her poems go check them out. Hahaha and I probably tricked you and made you think he was going yo propose lol not yet PHANGELS not yet. Love you guys maybe in the next one btws sorry it's short

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