The Beforehand: Enji

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Ever since the day Rei had been put into the mental institution, Enji had sworn to be a better man.
Her breaking made him realize just how awful he was.
He vowed to be a better father no matter how long it took.
He certainly stumbled along the way, breaking, failing, almost giving up trying all together- but eventually he got it.
Fuyumi was a kind soul, far too kind for her own good. She forgave him almost the instant he had reached out and apologized.
Natsuo and Shoto gave him the cold shoulder and he respected that.
He had been and abusive and neglectful father and he understood that they didn't have to forgive him.
Enji was content with being simply a better person even if it didn't gain him anything.
After Hawks had come along and led up to him fighting the High End Nomu, he finally laid his past self to rest and could breathe easier.
All was well.
He made sure Rei's favorite flowers were always sent to her so she could perhaps smile and that was enough for him.
But then, a letter arrived.

Enji stared down at the delicate cursive letters that swirled around the paper.
His hands were shaking, which had made it harder to read.
When he finally made out what it said though, he began to openly weep- starting to cough painfully like his lungs wanted to come out.

The letter read:

Dear Enji,

I know that things have been complicated and difficult for our family for a long time now.

Every last one of us has suffered for a different reason and I believe that you are included in the pain.

I know that you are trying and that's good!
You should be proud!

But I cannot forgive you.

Not yet.

I hope to one day perhaps stand as friends?

- Rei

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