Martial Arts...They Suck

Start from the beginning

To Tornado, it was also such a huge hassle. It wasn't even because Saitama was her boyfriend in the slightest, yet the entire concept of him going to a fighting tournament to find a way to become stronger seemed useless in itself.

"The platform has cracked!" The announcer practically screeched, quickly backing away. The security guards who were instructed to stop the fighting cowered in fear, previously unaware of the power they couldn't hope to match.

"And what's this?! There's a monster alert! Everyone, stay in the venue until heroes come to take care of the issue!"

"Oh, guess I gotta do something now."


Huh? There's monsters out there? That's weird.

I guess I gotta cut this match short, don't I? That's a shame. It seemed like Suiryu was actually starting to have fun.

"So, I think I got it now," I clear my throat, bracing myself for the sheer impact of my own genius. "Martial arts is practically a way to move around fighting while seeming all cool and stuff, right?"

Ah, that must be it!

That's probably why Suiryu's super shocked, too, that I figured it out that quickly!

"So, lemme try..." I hum to myself, starting to spin around. I remember Suiryu whirling around like a Beyblade, throwing kicks and punches, looking sort of like a tiny hurricane. Almost.

He seems angry. Doesn't he?

"Take this seriously!" He grits his teeth, but I'm spinning too fast to see where he is properly and actually respond.

"Hm?" I mutter, before I feel myself make contact with Suiryu.

He flies, like a paper airplane.

"Ah," I click my tongue. "He took my belt." As I pull my pants up, I hear a few people recognize me. I think it might be some of the other heroes that came to this tournament.

"Oy, Baldy!" I hear Tats call out to me. I hum again, a bit bored.

"I'm gonna go take care of some of the monsters outside. Got it?" She points out there. "Good. Make sure you don't let anyone here get really hurt, okay?!" I nod again. As she flies off, I turn my head to Suiryu, who's being swarmed by the crowd in admiration.

Man, I feel bad for him. The paparazzi blows.

"So you must be the hero that's been popping up in the news," I hear Suiryu mutter. I'm surprised that he's still conscious after a hit like that. Not a lot of people could even survive that. I didn't mean to use that much force.

"Yeah, what of it?" I ask bluntly. "I'm just doing it so I can find a strong opponent, honestly. You know how you were talking about stimu-whatsit? Yeah, that's just me right now for the last few years."

He coughs, and I realize that I might have broken one of his ribs or something. "Dang, you want me to get you a doctor or something?"

"Nah, it's fine."

I shrug, accepting his words. Even with the crowd, his voice is distinct enough that I do end up remembering what it sounds like, and I leave him to do all that stuff.

Weirdly enough, he stands up. He's injured, and he's still got a bit of dust on him from the concrete, but otherwise, he doesn't seem too far off from what he looked like when he got serious. Cool.

As they completely swarm him in the end, one of the guys holding up a trophy for Suiryu, I shrug and head off to the changing room so I can get into my hero outfit.

Breaking the Barrier (Saitama x Tatsumaki)Where stories live. Discover now