Klaus Mikaelson x Tribrid! Reader

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You didn't plan on moving to New Orleans, since you knew the amount of supernatural that was there was way above standard, but after your grandfather died you had to come back.He had given you everything including his home which resided in the Quarter , so you decided that a big mansion like house was better than your crummy apartment back in Ohio.

So here you were moving into your dead grandfathers old house.


I had just finished moving all the boxes in from the moving van and putting them in there respctive rooms, although the house was already fully furnished I had some of my own knicnacs I  brought along with my clothes to spruces the place up a bit.But after carrying in all the boxes I could sure go for a drink. Lucky for me on the drive over I saw a bar just down the street, since its so close I just decide to walk opting to stretch my muscles.

Its about a five minute walk.I walk through the front door instantly feeling the wards placed over it, I smirk and walk up to the bar.

"Bourbon please."I say to the blonde haired bartender.She places the drink in front of me and I take a long sip savoring the taste.

"Ah finally a lady who knows how to pick her alcohol."A blonde haired man says from the seat next to mine.I turn over to look him in the eyes.

"My names Klaus."The man says holding his hand out to shake.The hybrid.The one with the Tribrid daughter.Well this just got a lot more interesting.

"Y/n."I say shaking his hand.He raises it to his lips and kisses my knuckles.I raise an eyebrow at him.He smirks.

"So what brings you to New Orleans?"

"Well my Grandfather died and left me his house and its better than the small apartment I have in Ohio so I moved in there." I respond taking another sip of my Bourbon.

"My deepest apologies for your loss."He says respectfully.I smile at him.

"Thankyou but it's okay he lived a very eventful life,I'm sure you can relate to that in some way or another."I say my smile changing to a smirk.

He laughs."You have no idea, love."He says drinking his Bourbon.I raise an eyebrow.

"I think I do,Hybrid."I say mimicking his action.His eyes widen looking me up and down.

"So you know what I am?What is it you wish to gain from it for if you know what I am you know what I'm capable of."He says with a threatening tone.I just look down at my drink and and watch as it starts to stir itself.Klaus's eyes are drawn to it.

"So you're a witch.Shouldn't you be talking with your other witchy friends?"

"Not exactly"I say and flash my golden eyes and darkened veins.His eyes widen now very confused.

"You're a Tribrid."He says in shock. I nod.

"Yep and you know how lonely it gets when no one understands you, so when I heard that there was someone who did, and thought they were alone as well.Let's just say I was curious, but I didn't expect to meet you right off the bat , I would have found you sooner or later."I explain still staring my drink.

"So your grandfather dying was just a lie?"He says rather angry.I look at him with a bored look.

"No actually that was true I found out Hope existed after he died.I wouldn't lie about something like that."

"Well either way you aren't seeing my daughter, you're lucky I haven't already killed you for saying her name."

"Well 1 I would like to see you try and 2 its up to you you're her father. I would never push you into anything I just thought she might appreciate someone who could understand her.And I thought you would to, but if you don't want my help I'll just be on my way."I say downing the rest of my drink, slapping a 20 on the counter and walking away.

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