Chapter 125

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He sprawls out inside the devil's trap, staring at the ceiling helplessly. Everyone else seems perfectly happy here. Why is he the one struggling? Didn't he go through enough of this isolation shit the first time God got cocky? Why did Chuck have to put him through it again?

"Well, this sure is an interesting change of scenery."

Speak of the devil.

Lucifer just sighs. "What do you want now, Chuck?"

"To talk."

Lucifer scoffs. "You say that every time you pay me a visit. You can start telling the truth, you know. I promise, it won't make me hate you any more. I've already reached max capacity on that."

"I'm serious, Lucifer," Chuck says. "I'm just here to talk. No tricks, no gimmicks. I'm not trying to set you up or embarrass you or anything like that."

"Mm hmm," Lucifer hums. "Unfortunately for you, I've already filled my social interaction quota for the month, so I'll see you in a few weeks, okay?"

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me."

"Fine by me," Lucifer says. "I've got nowhere else to be. You probably do, but I don't think anyone will mind if you quit meddling in their lives for a month."


"Mm." Lucifer closes his eyes. If he's going to be here for a while, he might as well try to relax.

"I've never known you to take one for the team before," Chuck remarks.

"Of course you have," Lucifer replies. "It's just never been your team, so you just send me away and ignore it every time." It's what he got for questioning humanity. It's what he got for daring to go through with the apocalypse — one that he had actually thought his father wanted, though that's a whole different betrayal.

"Now, tell me," Chuck says, ignoring that remark. "Why would you be willing to take one for the team when that team doesn't even like you?"

"Jo likes me now," Lucifer says, though he's sure it's more along the lines of 'tolerates' him. "So you can't use that one."

"Right, right, of course," Chuck says. "And aren't you two just the cutest?" He says the second half in a mocking falsetto that pisses Lucifer off. So much for just being here to chat.

"Oh, yeah, really," Lucifer deadpans. "Talking about our relationships like a couple of teenage girls at a slumber party. So cute."

"And, of course," Chuck adds, "you have Jack on your side."

"Jack isn't on anyone's side," Lucifer says. "He's a kiss ass — a kiss ass who just wants to go home, for the record. You basically tore a kid from his parents, so kudos to you."

"I think you and Gabriel make great parents," Chuck says. "You know, like soon-to-be divorced parents staying together because they think it's what's best for the kid."

"I think our divorce finally went through." Jack seems more than happy where he is now. Gabriel must have won the custody battle.

"What, you've given up trying to break out of here?"

Lucifer lets out a long breath. "Well, given that you're fully aware that he's trying to get us out and yet you seem blissfully unconcerned, yeah, I'm betting we don't have a chance, so I'm out."

"Honestly, I don't know if he can do it," Chuck admits. "Hell, I was kinda rooting for it when it got you out and about."

"Why do I find that very, very hard to believe?"

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