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"Never quite as it seems!"

In the middle of emails and reshuffling schedules Sarah sat on an uncomfortable metal chair in a crowded room backstage. The first two shows were in Antwerp and of course she hadn't seen the city much yet save for a hair appointment at the salon attached to the hotel once they landed

The crew were bustling about, getting last minute things ready for the show that was about to start.

Julie rushed in holding her clipboard, "okay the VIP meet and greet is done, the sound problem has been sorted out and the venue is already packed."

Sarah smiled up at her, "wonderful, thanks Julie."

The woman nodded and waltzed off again. Sarah returned her focus towards her laptop trying to drown out the noise around her.

However the focus was short lived when a flash of red hair zoomed past her and disappeared before she could say anything.

Confused she asked a roadie, "hey, was that Atlas on the skateboard?"

"I believe so," he shrugged.

Sarah checked her watch, and rolled her eyes. She quickly pushed herself out of her chair heading in the direction Atlas went.

As she wondered the halls she felt herself getting more and more annoyed until finally she spotted her.

"Atlas!" The younger woman skidded to a stop beside her, just narrowly missing a pile of boxes stacked up against the wall.

"Woah, hey," she smiled.

"You're on soon. What are you doing?"

The redhead scratched the back of her neck, "uh would you believe me if I said I was warming up?"

"Absolutely not," Sarah said with a chuckle.

Atlas threw her hands up dramatically, "wow I actually made you smile?"

"You're hilarious," her voice overflowing with sarcasm, "now go on."

Atlas laughed and picked up the skateboard, and walked back towards the busy room to get her mic set up, "yes mom."

"Ha. Ha. Dont call me that."

The younger woman turned towards Sarah again with raised eyebrows, "why? Do you prefer daddy?" She joked.

Sarah just rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh.


The crowd was loud, they could be heard from Sarah's previous uncomfortable chair. She probably should have been watching the show but she chose to use the only moment of alone time she'd had all day to eat some dinner instead. She had to readjust to being around people all day long.

One of the technicians tapped on the doorframe to get Sarah's attention, "hey boss, not gonna watch the show?"

Sarah felt a small amount of guilt trickle in. It was the opening show of a world tour, which was a pretty big deal and the least she could do was show a bit of support to the artist she was working with. Although, Atlas probably didnt care either way.

"Yeah, just finishing up here." She held up her take out box. He smiled and walked towards a hallway apparently in search of a walkie talkie.

Atlas was chugging down a bottle of water when Sarah walked up towards the side of the stage.

"God I'm tired," she laughed into the mic, "but let's keep going!"

The drummer started the next song and Atlas' hands strummed at the guitar strings perfectly in tune. Julie noticed Sarah and went to stand beside her, "do you think the drummer is hot?" She yelled over the music.

Sarah laughed and made a face, "not really why?"

"I think he is!"

The song ended and Atlas set her guitar on the stand that was next to the bassist. On her walk back towards the mic she spotted Sarah and walked over as if she wasn't in the middle of something.

"What are you doing you're in the middle of a gig!"

Atlas smiled nonchalantly, "I forgot to tell you earlier, I like your new hairstyle."

Sarahs fingers subconsciously ran over the ends of her hair that was now brunette. Before Sarah could answer her Atlas was back center stage, she glanced over at Sarah who mouthed a "thank you"

The redhead grinned at her, "this next song is for all the brunettes out there!" She yelled into the mic.

They're gonna get together eventually I swear. Or maybe I'm the only impatient one lmao. Thank you for reading!

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