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"Maybe I'm a fool for you!"

The ignition of the tour busses roared into action as they were getting ready for the 16 hour trip.

Atlas was already splayed out on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Julie huffed as she stepped inside, quickly glancing over at the redhead.

"I think they broke up," the short woman blurted out before she could even stop herself.


"Danielle left this morning, she wasn't supposed to leave for a few more days. She was crying. I saw her give Sarah her ring back."

Atlas sat up a bit, raising her eyebrows in curiosity, "are you su-" she quickly stopped herself when Sarah stepped into the bus.

The brunette didn't say anything, simply giving each of them a sort of formal nod as she made herself comfortable at the small table.

Julie shot Atlas a see look.

After an hour  into the long journey non of them had said a word to each other. Sarah was typing away vigorously on her laptop, a frow plastered on her face.

Julie had quietly made her way to her bunk to take a nap.

And Atlas sat on the couch with her notebook and guitar. She had an idea for a song but she was struggling with the wording.

She scratched out a word vigorously and sighed. She glanced at Sarah. The brunette had a great side profile she had to admit. Atlas watched as Sarah clenched and unclenched her jaw a few times, running her hand through her hair as she did so.

Finally she tore her eyes away and brought her guitar closer.


Sarah's ears perked up as she heard the notes Atlas had been stringing together formed into a soft melody. Sarah smiled as she turned to the redhead who was humming words under her breath, she had a pen between her teeth causing the words to be incoherent.

She got up to get a bottle of water out of the fridge before sitting down on the couch by Atlas. Putting so much distance between them it was almost awkward.

Atlas looked up at Sarah, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What are you working on?"

Atlas grabbed the pen from between her lips before answering with a shrug, "song."

"Still angry at me?"

The younger woman nodded.

Sarah sighed. A few moments of silence passed before Atlas went back to strumming the guitar lightly.

"She cheated on me," Sarah said finally.

Atlas paused, unsure if Sarah would explain.

"We were together for six years, that's a lot of tours. But apparently she couldn't handle this one...the first day of tour she told me."

She looked over at Atlas, "I broke it off, but then she showed up here and wanted us to try fixing it. And for a moment I wanted to, but there's no fixing that."

She quickly wiped the tears threatening to spill and got up, "I know you probably thought I used you to cheated but I didn't."

Before the redhead could respond she quickly walked towards the cramped bathroom. She didn't need Atlas seeing her cry.

Sarah stared at herself in the mirror, taking in her tired appearance. She felt embarrassed being this emotional.
Fuck Danielle Hudgens, she thought to herself. And fuck Atlas Grey for being so goddamn irresistible and annoying.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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