XXVIII. he changed

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Despite the numerous gossip mongers surrounding them, judging every move she makes, Seraphina still decided to attend today's mass, together with Aunt Veronica.

Wearing a baby blue morning gown her Aunt forced her to wear, Seraphina walked behind her Aunt whose chin is tipped upwards, her brow raising.

Today's mass is jam packed once again, perhaps, anticipating the arrival of the Hearts and even glimpse Zachary.

Unfortunately for them, Zachary hadn't attended church for multiple years now, ever since Mrs. Jane succumbed to a grave illness.

Before the mass began, Seraphina and Aunt Veronica seated in the front row kept their heads in front.

They could feel the soft murmurs behind them, definitely talking about them.

This is literally talking behind their backs. Besides, aren't they tired of this issue? This whole thing happened weeks ago already.

As far as Seraphina remembered, when continuous murders occurred in the town, they quickly dismissed it after a few days.

To stop herself from further annoyance, Seraphina forced her mind to shift into a different train of thoughts.

There, she found herself wondering what Zachary was doing , who watched her get dressed, even helped her a while ago.

Of course, Aunt Veronica thought Zachary was back in the Canning manor, perhaps engrossed in painting or whatever.

Little did she know, her favorite godson is right inside the Hearts manor, upstairs, in her niece's chamber which she noticed was always locked these past few weeks.

When Seraphina asks him what he'll do while they're gone, he simply shrugs, causing Seraphina to jokingly roll her eyes heavenwards.

Bidding him goodbye, Seraphina planted a peck on his now growing facial hair, tickling her. She was about to say that when she heard her aunt's footfalls downstairs, meaning, she's ready to go.

Before she could leave the room, Zachary stopped her from leaving by grabbing her hand, then he kissed her on the lips, Seraphina tiptoeing.

"I really am late, Zach," she chuckled at his cheek.

Seraphina was awoken from her memories when she felt someone familiar sat beside her, a warm arm encircling her shoulder.

When she looked at her side, her jaw dropped, her pupils dilated for there sat Zachary Canning beside her, looking handsome as ever.

His blond hair combed, his suit perfectly ironed, his shoes polished. Who is this guy?

No wonder the room grew quiet. She was about to ask him what he's doing here when Aunt Veronica raced her off.

Aunt Veronica instantly lightly slapped his arm which is still encircled around Seraphina. "Keep your hands off yourself, young man, many are watching," Aunt Veronica stressed.

After a second, it was Aunt Veronica who couldn't keep her hands off him, saying, "Oh Dear, oh dear, what an answered prayer, you've finally shown yourself up in the House of the Lord,", all while hugging her now suffocated godson.

"I figured I needed to hear Ms. Heart's gospel voice," he responded, earning a blush from Seraphina, a few gasps from behind, definitely eavesdropping.

Aunt Veronica pretended not to hear his statement, thus, changing the subject. How the newly appointed head priest of the Avebury Church originally came all the way from Texas and all.

Minutes after, the mass began. All throughout the mass, Zachary's fingers are intertwined with hers, tell you, he'll brush his thumb across her hand, sending chills down her spine.

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