Chapter 5

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It has been two weeks since Hinata and Oikawa stopped seeing each other after school and returned to how the way they were before.

Since Suga thought it was fine, they were allowed to see each other again but not like that. Instead they met each other as friends as long as someone else was there too.

And they did.

After practice, the team would take turns to walk Hinata home because Oikawa would meet them halfway before turning the opposite direction to them at the convinient store.

It would be their routine as they mucked about as friends on the streets before a hug and separating their ways.

A full month passed with many silly events such as when the two teams from their schools would have group outings just because Hinata and Oikawa wanted to hang out with each other.

They had gone to karaoke where Hinata kept jumping around and sitting on everyone's laps. It wasn't like he only sat on Oikawa but when he did, the other would wrap his arms almost naturally around Hinata 's waist until the ginger jumped up to sing and sit in someone else.

Theme parks were fun since the haunted house was it's specialty and Hinata got spooked. Oikawa had made fun of him about it resulting in Hinata chasing the laughing Oikawa around the park.

And even during the shopping trip together when they hit the clothing store and Hinata had his shirt taken by a smirking Oikawa, it was nothing more than friendly jokes which turned into yelling when Hinata jumped and bumped their foreheads.

Suga watched the whole time making sure Hinata was okay and in the end, he thought maybe they really did return to just friends as he heard the Hinata laugh at Oikawa's fashion sense.

Sure there was a lot of hugging and clingy behavior but it wasn't much different to how Hinata acted with everyone else.

But there was still something biting him at the back of his mind whenever Suga watched the two part ways.

Maybe it was just his imagination but every time they said their goodbyes, they would seem a little bit too ready to leave.

He hoped that feeling was wrong and that he was just over thinking...

And the truth was, neither boys were okay.

Oikawa had not been able to sleep properly during the week and the only time he did sleep, was after a whole day of mucking about with his team and Karasuno.

He grit his teeth however every time they had to leave because it would feel cold. It was so cold that he wanted nothing else than to get away as quick as he can.

It did help seeing Chibi but it wasn't enough. He was getting desperate and his fatigue was going to catch up with him soon. He didn't have a choice...

Oikawa sighed as he switched accounts on his phone and randomly scrolled to one of the girls on the contact list.


As for Hinata, he wasn't doing well either. Every time he had fun with Oikawa, the heat within himself was happy and didn't bother him but whenever they had to part, his whole body hurt to the point he wanted to get away as soon as possible.

It was easier once he was home but the nagging pain wouldn't leave him. His whole body craved for human touch and Hinata shook his head whenever he thought about calling Oikawa.

No, there were no feelings there so maybe he was just horny? Should he get himself a lover? But... Hinata made a puzzled face as he tried to think of anyone he would want to date and no one came to mind. Maybe there was another way?

It wasn't easy but the pain pushed him towards his computer as he opened a few sights.

The feeling he wanted was possible without dating and Hinata scrolled through different profiles who matched with him, nervous but desperate.

Another week had passed and both teams were getting worried. Oikawa's flirtatious habits had gotten worse as he now took two or more girls home at once every day and he would turn up to practice completely covered in hickeys.

The captain was still amazing however and his sleep was better so the team would try to ignore the dark bites all over his body but Iwaizumi was starting to worry. He was going to text Suga later about it since the two team mum's had each other's numbers.

As for Suga, he was also worried for Hinata as the ginger had become more jumpy and clingy, and not like the norm. Whenever he got his head ruffled, he would jump away as if he was guilty of something before quickly coming back to be spoiled.

He was definitely hiding something it this time, he wouldn't say anything and Suga knew that he wasn't going to talk if he tried to force him.

One more week passed and Suga and Iwaizumi decided to meet up together.

"I hope you didn't wait long Iwaizumi, the train was a little delayed."

"No it's fine, I got here about five minutes ago. Now, let's talk."

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