Chapter 3

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Hinata knew he could get hurt. That much was obvious even to his IQ of -7. But when it was just the two of them, they were connected by desire.

The pleasure that came from the other's actions and the guilty pain afterwards burned like a fire inside him. Every time they touched, it tingled with such a warm and giddy sensation, he could hardly stand.

It was burning him alive.

The worse part was that he didn't mind. The separation between his two lives were so distinct that his whole personality changed when he entered that house. It was as if he got possessed and all his mind could think about was Oikawa's body. The way the larger's hand would explore every inch of him as he shivered from the sensation...

But once outside again, not a trace of that personality could be seen and it was so well hidden, it scared Hinata.

A public lifestyle where on he would fly as hard and as high as he could with his murder of crows.

(A/n a murder of crows means a group of crows. No one's dying!)

It was an honest life where he worked hard with his team to win at his one passion, volleyball.

But his private life... he would fall and drown in the burning desires within himself.

Every day... despite knowing full well he should be home and getting ready for dinner, the temptation leading him to Oikawa was just on the tip of his tongue and he followed it. He didn't care about the troubles and consequences it could lead to.

It all started with one kiss. And despite it being bad for Hinata, he couldn't help but give in so easily.

They had already exchanged phone numbers and they would meet up as many days as they could to endulge themselves in each other.

To be honest, Oikawa didn't know why he found the little Chibi so fun. He's had many girlfriends before and many of them were as short as Hinata. Many were thin like him too and all of them were very warm.

Due to reasons... Oikawa had a hard time falling asleep without human warmth and that lead him into the playboy life. He would give the girls what they want and they would end up falling asleep with him.

But if he had to tell the truth, sex was just a boring chore to get the girls into his bed. He just wanted to sleep.

But when it came to Hinata...

Not only did the Chibi look like a flame, he was as warm as one. He noticed it when he gave the smaller male a hug outside the convinient store. Originally planning to only tease Chibi for getting hard, once they made contact, he was already kissing him.

Oikawa licked his lips as he remembered the warmth he got from just that simple action.

And when Hinata pulled away with his while face flushed, excitement had shivered down his spine as he watched the ginger run off screaming about his first kiss.

Despite not having a body to hug that night, Oikawa felt that he was given enough heat for the whole night from just that memory.

The day after, he had left school early to try and catch the flame again and just like that, they met again.

A happy smirk appeared on his face when he found out that the kiss hard really affected Hinata and his urge to tease him only grew.

His grin widened when he got a satisfying yelp from when he wrapped an arm around Hinata's waist. When was the last time one of the girls were this shy?

He chuckled to himself as he dragged the ginger to his house, he craved the heat and something inside him wanted nothing else than to monopolize his flame.


Once again, an excitement ran through him as he sent Hinata into a frenzied panic by tugging at his shorts.

The reactions were just... so good.

Wanting to tease him more, Oikawa had gotten more and more worked up and more once, for the first time with no foreplay, he was horny for someone's body.

Gripping onto Hinata's waist and pulling him close, he gently blew a hot breath of air on Hinata's shivering ear.

He wanted more...

He didn't know how to answer Hinata's question as all he wanted was warmth but for once, he wanted a person.

But for now, he grinned as he ran a hand up the younger's spine.

His body was warm and soft, his skin was smooth and his excitement only grew everytime Hinata reacted.

Wanting another kiss, he cupped the other's cheek before locking their lips together.

Hinata's tongue was also warm and the way it twitched from pleasure was enough to make Oikawa flush from heat.

The warmth felt amazing as heavy breathes escaped from their mouths.

He could easily feel Hinata's heat rising and raising a leg between the smaller's thighs, he felt his own body shake from pleasure as Hinata's face became a mess.

Seeing Chibi exhausted, he smiled as he scooped the boy up into a princess carry in his arms before taking him to the showers.

Hinata was completely out of it as he washed him and Oikawa had to tend to his own buldge on his own.

After drying them both, he set the flame head onto his bed before holding him close, the warmth spreading into his own body drowning him in sweet bliss.

It was a good night...

"Oi Crappykawa!!!"

"Ow! You didn't have to hit me with the ball Iwa!!!"

"Then pay attention!"

"Not even the coach hits me..."

"I'll hit your face if you don't shut up!!!"

"Back to work!!!"

Our Secret Fire [Completed] |OiHina Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant