"She told me she loved me." He admits.

"She did? Did you say it back? Oh my gosh, Parker, that's great!" I grin, hugging him again and almost knocking my ice cream over.

"I was the one who initiated it, Mads, of course I said it back." He snorts, patting my head.


"My head hurts," I huff, covering my eyes with the blanket in hopes it'll dull the constant ache. 

"Do you think you're getting sick?" Mama bear Sam comes out, pulling the blanket away so he can check my temperature, pressing his palm against my cheek, forehead, and side of my neck.

"No, I just have a killer headache." I mumble, swatting him away.

"You're not too warm, it's probably nothing. Have you eaten today? Or drank enough?"

"Oh my gosh, you're worse than Winn," I snap, even though I know he's trying to help me.

"It means I care, now stop acting like a little shit and let me fix you." He replies, just as snappy, and I roll my eyes, immediately regretting the decision when the throbbing in my head intensifies.

"I'm gonna grab you a few ibuprofen, lay down with your eyes closed until I'm back." He stands up off the couch where we've been cuddling/annoying the crap out of each other for the past hour, and I just send him a thumbs up.

Trying to entertain myself while he's gone, I keep my eyes closed and think about anything.

School. Boring.

Livia. Doing great.

Leo. Officially seventeen and now the dancing queen.

Dinner with Uncle Felix this weekend. Gonna be awkward, that's for sure.

Most recently watched episode of Forensic Files. Just as fantastic as usual.

My random train of though is broken when I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it," I call to Sam, opening my eyes and standing off the couch.

"I'm gonna quickly get a warm washcloth, I'm pretty sure it helps with headaches." He calls back, and I nod.

Tucking my messy hair behind my ears, I straighten my slightly askew tee shirt.

Well, technically it's Sam's which is why it keeps falling off one shoulder, but it's mine now.

Paired with my usual booty shorts, it looks like I'm wearing no pants and for some reason I find that hilarious, so I'm gonna keep on living my best basic bitch life.

On my way to the door, I trip over Sam's boots he left right in the walkway, and promise to myself to chuck them at his head when he comes back.

I got mud on my socks.

Pulling the door open, the gust of freezing wind shocks me, so I wrap my arms around myself, but the cold completely slips my mind when I see the tall figure standing on my porch.

I gape for a second, my mouth unable to form words, before I finally come to my senses.

Slamming the door shut, I lock it with trembling fingers, feeling my eyes start to burn.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

When he knocks on the door, I jump back and find myself violently rubbing at my wrists without even thinking about it.

This is bad. This feels bad.

"Why do you have a Dora the Explorer washcloth, Mads?" Sam snorts, walking into the room with it in his hand.

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